Chapter 14

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King James' POV

I let out a sigh. Should I have asked the kids to fight in a war? They are qualified but I wouldn't want to lose any of them. Especially Julia. If any of them were to die because of my actions, I wouldn't know what to do.

"Sir? Here is the map locations we've gotten from the scouts." A soldier says handing me a piece of paper.

I look at the paper, they were so close! They would be here in a couple days time. I hope they will help, we can't win without them.

Julia's POV

"I can't kill anyone! I-I-I-I've never killed anyone or anything before! I was just the person who had to grab the shit and run!" Seto says as he lies back down on the ground.

"Yeah but you're our potions master, we probably would've died from blood loss or poison if you weren't with us!" Athena says.

We had been talking about the situation on hand for about 4 hours, it was dark out now. 

"Let's just think about it overnight, we have some time to think then tomorrow we can tell my dad our answers. Sound good?" I suggest as everyone continues talking.

"Yeah, i guess..." Ty says getting up and stretching.

"See you guys tomorrow." Eyes says getting up and walking away. Everyone else except Seto follows after a few minutes.

"I'm gonna do some research in your library is that okay?" Seto asks as we both get up to go.

"Yeah sure, just get some sleep later though." I say and we walk towards the castle,

Once we reach the castle we split ways and I walked in the direction of my room. I opened my door and closed it behind myself. I walked over to my armour stand and put my knife belt on it. Then I went over to my bed and laid down, in a matter of seconds I felt my eyes droop and I was asleep.

Seto's POV

A couple hours later 

I walk out of the castle holding a couple books when I saw some suspicious guys each carrying something. Upon closer inspection, I see it's someone! Who? Wait, black leather jacket, grey tank top, and black jeans? Julia? Where are they taking her? I start walking over to them but I feel an evil aura radiating off of them. They took two horses and put the two bodies on their laps, then they rode away.

I should get Bodil, we need to follow them.

I sprint over to Bodil's house and practically break down the door. 

"BODIL! JULIA IS GETTING KIDNAPPED I NEED HELP!" I shout into the dark hallway of his home.

After a couple minutes Bodil staggers out of him room and up to me. He was all armored up. 

"You better not be fucking lying, or I will end you.: He threatens and walk out the door. We decide to just follow on foot, since the horses would make too much noise. I point in the direction I saw they leave and we look for them. They were just leaving the village. Apparently they ditched the horses and were just climbing over the wall.

Bodil points to them and we rush over, but keeping a distance that they could not notice. How the hell are they carrying the two and climbing a wall?! Huge upper body strength I guess.

After they got up and over the wall we continued to follow them.

(WEW POV's! You guys are lucky, i was gonna end it there)

Julia's POV

A little time later

"Oi kid, wake up!" Someone says and then I feel a slight pain on my cheek. I open my eyes and I'm in some sort of storage room/cellar. "Wha-Where am I? Who are you?" I ask to the strange two people in front of me. I try to move, only to end up failing, realizing I'm tied up.

"Hey little princess, we're giving you a 'little' warning. The dark army is coming, and they're coming for your kingdom. Just look at this" One of the men say before he moves away to reveal a horrible sight.

It was my father, his hands and legs bound, shirt ripped off his chest, revealing large slashes. Blood was still oozing from his wounds.

"Heh, you're lucky, we we're thinking about doing the same to you. But who would send the message to your stupid kingdom?" The other man says.

I bow my head and feel a tear slip out, the another, and another, until tears are streaming down my face and onto the concrete floor. 

"Ey look, she's cryin'!" One of the two says, causing them both to laugh.

I continue to cry like this, and they just keep on laughing. But not too long after I hear a crash of glass breaking and a body drops to the floor, I whip my head up quickly to see Seto finishing off one of the men and Bodil, pulling his bloodied sword out of the other guy.

Seto kills the man why twisting his neck and closing his throat, suffocating him and killing him quickly. Bodil swings his sword away from us at an extreme speed causing the blood to fall off. he then unsheaths his sword and they both rush up to me.

"Julia, I'm so sorry we didn't get here sooner. We-we got lost and--" Seto stammers as he unties me/

"If we got here sooner, the king would still be alive." Bodil bows his head in shame as he finishes Seto's sentance.

"It's none of your fault. It's theirs. They could have taken any of us, Mitch, you guys, or anybody else!" I say as Bodil passes me my belt with my knives in them.

"But the fact that they killed my father,

This Means War."


I wrote a thing! 

Sadly, this story is coming to an end


But there will be two ends. A happy(?) ending and the sad ending. One can turn in to a sequel and the other will end it there, whichever you guys want will determine this story's true ending. The other will be extra. In comments tell me which one you want, happy or sad.


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