Chapter 3

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I hope you're aware that I know nothing about horses xD Enjoy!


Mitch's POV

I look through all the horses when I see one, it was a black horse with a white mane and maroon eyes. "You like Rose? She's one of the horses that's been here awhile" Bodil says while saddling up his horse.

Bodil helps me put the saddle on her and get up on her and we're done. "Wanna go out for a ride?" Julia asks. "Sure!" Jason exclaims.

We get out of the stables and on to a path. "Bodil should we go cherry tree path or our secret way?" Julia asks Bodil. "Secret is only when me and Seto are around, let's just go to cherry tree." Bodil says riding ahead. I ride up next to Jerome to talk to him. "Hey buddy" I say smiling. "Oh hey" He says looking down. "What's up?" I ask tilting my head slightly. "I can't tell you, you'll get mad at me..." He trails off. "I won't get mad at you biggums, you're my best friend." I say trying to comfort him. "Okay, wellIkindoftoldJuliathatyouhaveacrushonher" He says quickly. "Slower please?" I ask not understanding. "Okay, well I kind of told Julia that you have a crush on her.." He says slower. "WHAT! I do have a small crush on her, but why did you tell her!?" I shout but only enough for him to hear. "She didn't get upset or anything!" He says. "Okay." I say riding away from him.

How could he tell her? He's my best friend, I told him that secret out of confidence! Whatever. "Mitch you okay?"Julia asks riding her horse next to me. "Y-Yeah, why you ask?" I stutter. "You kind of spaced out and nearly fell off the cliff. You scared me." She says smiling. "Well, I'm fine. No need to baby me" I smirk. "Okay whatever, I have to go soon though, c'mon!" She says kissing my cheek and riding ahead.

I feel my face heat up and someone chuckle behind me. "Still mad that I told her?"Jerome asks smirking. "Oh shut up you jag" I mumble looking down. I hear the sound of horse hooves going away and I look up to see that Jerome's ridden ahead and talking to Bodil. I look at Jason and he shoots me a death glare. What did I do? I didn't do anything mean to him, what's with him...

Julia's POV

"Okay whatever, I have to go soon though, c'mon!" I say to Mitch. I kiss his cheek and ride ahead of the others. I feel a blush spreading to my cheeks. I don't know why I kissed Mitch, I just did. We're almost back at the castle when Jeremy runs up to me. "Princess!! Your father says you must come to the castle now. You can see your friends after dinner" Jeremy says as he catches up with me. "Okay, let me put Krystal back first." I say going in the direction of the stables. "I can do that for you, now run along." Jeremy says. "Thanks Jeremy, just let me tell my friends I have to go." I say as I jump off my horse.

I run to where the others are and tell them I have to leave. We say our goodbyes then I'm off. "Come to the river after dinner, Seto and I wanna talk to you!" Bodil shouts as I run off. I wonder what they want to talk about..I shrug it off and continue running back to the castle.

I reach the gates and say hello to the guards as I enter. I walk down the long corridors to the dining hall. I open the door and my fathers waiting for me. "Sorry for being late father, was just finishing my horse ride on the cherry tree path" I say as I sit down on a chair. "It is fine, I don't mind. The cherry tree path is long." He smiles. We eat dinner and talk about our day and stuff until I finish and have to leave.

"I have to go meet Martin and Jimmy now! I'll be back before 9:00" I say as I leave the dining hall. "One more thing before you go though" He says getting serious. My father was not one to be too serious, so this must be important. "Jimmy recently informed me that your friends are from Arendalle, and I......I killed Mitch's mother." He says so quietly that it's almost inaudible. My eyes go wide. "I-I have to tell him." I say looking down at my feet. "You cannot. I feel that Mitch has gone through too much already. You can tell Martin and Jimmy if you like, but you cannot tell Mitch." He says. I nod. "Yes father" I say as I walk out.

I can't believe his killed his mother! If I tell Mitch he will be devastated, but he might get upset at me too! I can't risk it. I won't tell anyone this, at least not now.

But Mitch can NEVER know about this.



The village used to be Aether Town but now it's Arendalle. I wrote this part of the plot like a week ago. I will see you sorcerers later, gooooooodbye!

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