Chapter 7

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Sorry for not updating! Just been a little bit busy, should get back to uploading soon. Enjoy!


Julia's POV

Time Skip to the Christmas Ball

I put my bracelet on as I hear a knock on the door. I quickly slip on my white flats, and open the door. I'm not wearing heels, I don't do well in heels. "Yes?" I ask as i open the door. "Mr.Probst (don't ask how I know his name) is here." One of the maids says smiling. "Okay, thanks. Tell him I'll be down in a minute I just have to grab something." I tell her as she leaves. She nods and walks down the hall.

I close my door and look for my blue handbag. I find it in my closet hidden under a bunch of beanies, don't ask why I have so many. I leave my room and walk down the hall.

As I get to the stairs I see Jason waiting for me. I walk down the stairs to him. He turns around and smiles as I get down. "You look beautiful" He compliments. "Thanks" I feel a blush spread across my face. "Let's go?" He grabs my hand. I nod and we walk to where the ball was being held.

Many people were already there, and my father sent out a letter that I got yesterday saying he would come. It was a 5 day trip from the Immortal kingdom to here. He might not make it, oh well. "Wanna go sit with the guys?" Jason suggests pointing over the group talking amongst themselves. "Sure" We walk over to them. "Hey guys" Jason greets them. "Oh hey" Jerome says. We talk about random things for about an hour of so when Jeremy begins announcing someone's arrival.

Adrianna's POV

We walk in to the big castle. Wow, it was HUGE! "Okay girls, you 3 go after us okay?" The king asks. "Okay, now goooooo" I say shooing him towards the door. "We have a special surprise for you tonight. Welcome back......King James!" Someone announces. He walks in to the room. "And welcome the daughters of the other kingdoms, Adrianna, Athena, and Jenna!" The man announces as we walk in. "ADDIE! ATHENA! EYES!" Julia shouts running towards us. We pull her in to a big hug.

"Hey Jules" I say. "I missed you guys so much!" She says pulling away from the hug. "Oh! I want you guys to meet some people!" She motions for us to follow her. We follow her to a group of guys talking with each other. They look up at us. "Guys, this is Adrianna, Athena, and Eyes." They all say hi. "Adrianna, Athena, Eyes, this is Jerome, Sky, Seto, Bodil, Ty, Brice, and my boyfriend Jason." She continues. "Wait, Jerome? Where's Mitch?" I ask. "He didn't want to come. I don't know why though." He answers. "How do you guys know each other?" Julia asks. "I used to visit their village a lot." I say.

"Julia, your father wants to talk to you." The guy who announced us said to her. She nodded and walked off. We just talk for the rest of the night until we have to sleep.

Mitch's POV (huh? I thought the chapter was going to end..)

I sigh, Jason just rubbed in my face that Julia now loved him before he left.


It was night now, the guys would be leaving for the ball any minute. I would be alone, well for until they come back.

I hear a knock on the door. I walk over to it and open it to reveal Jason.

"Hey Mitch, looks like I've won..." He smirks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I now have Julia"

My heart drops. He does, but she's not an object.

"She may be your girlfriend but she's not an object." I retort.

"Whatever, if she really did love you, she would've broken her fathers rule of talking to you. She must not care about you after all." He says slyly.

That's when my mind kicks in to realization. She would've broken it if she did love me, I guess I am unloved.

"Bye, Mitch. I have to go meet her at the ball" He says closing the door.

Flashback Over

Here we are now, I'm standing with a knife to my wrist. I'm unloved, I should just die, it's probably what Jason would be happy to see. I put the cold metal to my skin and cut.

1 for being unloved

2 for Jason

3 for ever coming to this kingdom

4 for falling in love

and 5.... for Julia.

I look at the red masterpiece I have made on my arm. The blood slowly drips on to the floor and I smile a crooked smile at it. The cuts were deep but I didn't care.

I began seeing spots, and I soon blacked out.


Sorry it's kinda short. But I had to finish it before I had to eat dinner and finish watching videos. I NOW INTRODUCED THE CHARACTERS!!! The next 2 chapters will be dedicated to the other 2 girls. I didn't mean to make Jason seem like such a dick, it just happened. Anyways, I will see you sorcerers later, goooooooooooodbye!

PS: How Julia looks >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

PPS: Do you guys like the new cover?

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