|Chapter 103 : Pens|

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"I heard someone threw ten people and a puppy off a bridge"

"Why the fuck would you throw a puppy off a bridge?"

"No one seems to care about the ten people!"

"Do you care about them?" I asked Blaise quietly from where he sat on one side of me in the library while Pansy looked at him from my other side as I continued to rifle through the stack of muggle books I had been sent

"No. Because it didn't happen. But even if it did: I would've avoided them all because ten people is ten people too many for my liking. I'd have to socialise and I don't like that"

"Wow.... me too" me and Pansy mumbled at the same time and she started laughing quietly as a small smile crossed my face as she peered at the paper I was writing on

"What're you writing with?" Pansy asked curiously as she peered at the blue pen I was writing with as I showed her it

"A pen. Literally just a pen-"

"A pen?..." she asked quietly with an unsure look on her face as I nodded and passed her it as she turned it over in her hands

"How does it work- Oh my Merlin it clicks!" She hissed as she started clicking the pen rapidly with a look of joy on her face as I looked at her, blinking before turning to Blaise with a quiet laugh before pulling another one out of my bag

"What's the Salem witch trials?"

"It's trials muggles held when they assumed muggles were witches. But there were those few occasions where they did actually trial witches and they just put charms around themselves and all that-"

"So how did they protect themselves when they were put under the 'swimming test'?"

"I think that was only linked with the North Berwick Trials but I'm not entirely sure yet. I've just started this topic. But they would place a bubblehead charm around themselves and then they'd be sunk under the water. While under the water they'd either disapparate or when they were pulled back up they would stun themselves"

"Ah. Intelligent"

"And lifesaving. Are we good to head back?"

"But I want to keep clicking the-"

"You two can if you want, but I'm going to stay here and get my work done"

"Are you sure?"


"But I don't want to leave you here by yourself"

"I'll be fine, I'm meant to be meeting Cedric soon anyway. Could you feed Bailey when you get back to the dorm please?" I asked Pansy as she nodded and they both stood up, leaving a couple of minutes later as I sighed quietly to myself, glancing around at the empty seats and tables beside me

"No it's fine Pansy, keep my pen" I sighed quietly to myself with a slightly amused look as I pulled my textbook towards me and flicked through it for awhile


"Fred. George" I greeted quietly as they both sat down in what used to be Blaise's and Pansy's seats as I turned between them

"Who knew you two knew how to get into the library? And that you even knew what it was?"


"You're not offended by that statement"

"No, we know"

"You two aren't going to let me get my work done are you?"


"Not anymore"

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