|Chapter twenty : Halloween|

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"Bad choices make good stories"

"I couldn't agree more-"

"Not all bad choices are good though"

"Daphne, you're too optimistic. Also, why did you have to say that on Halloween?"

"Why not?" I asked amused as the desserts appeared in front of us as my eyes lit up and I instantly reached forward and took a slice of brownie as I wrapped it in a napkin before slipping it into my pocket and putting trifle on my plate


"What was that all about?"

"Hey, these brownies are supposedly legendary. And I also love trifle" I told them laughing as I rested my head against Blaise with a smile while I ate with an amused look

"I hope that this isn't a type of food that has a negative effect"

"Do you mean like violent vomiting?"


"That's a big word, Blaise. Can you spell it?"

"Don't ask me things like that. I meant as in you become hyperactive" he said to me as I nodded with a smile

"Oh shit-"

"Don't tell the girls"

"I won't as long as they don't murder me once they find out that I knew"

"You're fine, I'll try keep them away from you"


"Yes. Try. There's nothing simple about holding back three angry girls"

"I'll take your word for it" he mumbled as another roll of thunder could be heard and the ceiling stayed a dark murky colour as I glanced up, smiling before turning back and reaching for a slice of carrot cake

"If this isn't the best type of cake then I-" I started to tell Blaise amused as the doors of the Great Hall burst open and everyone turned, watching as Professor Quirrel ran in

"Troll! In the dungeon! Troll in the dungeon!" He shouted, his face pale as everyone fell silent and turned to him as he let out a noise that resembled a quiet whimper

"Thought you ought to know" he mumbled before falling forwards, face first onto the floor as I refrained myself from smiling as another loud roll of thunder could be heard and screams echoed around me and I whipped around, a slight feeling of panic flooding me as people started jumping to their feet in a bid to get out of the hall as I was hauled up

"Silence!" The hall falling silent and still, everyone turned around to look at Dumbledore who had gotten to his feet, his voice drowning out everyone else

"Everyone, will please, not panic. Now... prefects will lead their house back to the dormitories and teachers will follow me to the dungeons" he said in a quieter voice, loud enough for us to hear as prefects started leading everyone from the hall and I walked with the others as Pansy gripped at my wrist and I let out a laugh

"Calm down Pans, Merlins beard!"

"I don't want to see a troll-"

"You might. After all, Quirrel said the troll was in the dungeons... and where are we heading?" I asked, grinning at her as her face dropped and she gripped at my arm tighter as I let out another laugh, shaking my head at her as we made our way into the common room as talk instantly broke out and we made our way to the corner

"How could a troll even get in?"

"It's not like they're the smartest of-"

"Amelia, how the fuck are you not even the slightest bit scared or worried?"

"Because I've grown up with Holly. She is a troll" I shrugged as they started laughing, food appearing on the tables around the room as I grinned and instantly reached for another slice of brownie as Blaise stared at me before turning his head as I done the same, looking to Miles who was motioning me over

"Give me a minute" I told them, putting the brownie back down as I made my way over to him

"What is it?"

"Your robes, they were sent in this morning and I put them in your dorm before the feast"

"They did? Where did you put them?"

"I put them under your covers so the others don't see them- I would try them on just yet, it might look odd if you just disappear down to your dorm in a hurry"

"I'll try them on tomorrow then"

"Oh, practice tomorrow at eight"

"Okay, thanks by the way" I called to him as I walked away amused, looking around as I caught sight of Malfoy sitting in another corner of the room with an unsettled look as I scoffed before sitting back down again as I started eating the brownie I had stowed away in my pocket

"What was that all about?"

"Oh nothing, nothing important anyway"

*Published ~ 09/08/20*

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