|Chapter 133 : Diagon Alley|

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"Are you needing anything?" I asked Cedric while putting money into my bag from the stacks of coins from the family vault as he shook his head with a smile, a few weeks having passing as I was offered to stay the last week of the holidays with him

"I've got enough with me, thank you though-"

"I'll rephrase that, you're getting money" I told him as I grabbed a handful of galleons and put them in his pocket as he tried to take them out as I started to shut my vault door

"Lia, honestly I don't need any, it's yours, you keep it-"

"Oh no! The vault's already closed! Oops, no going back now"

"You can just open it again"

"Yes, but I don't want to and I'm too lazy" I told him laughing as he shook his head with a smile while wrapping his arm around my shoulders as I shut my money bag and we walked back to the cart

"Please take it back Lia"

"What if I take some of it back? Will you be happy then?" I asked as we slipped into the cart and he held my hand out and dropped the coins back into it as I looked at them and took two galleons away before pressing the rest back into his hand

"Pleasure doing business" I said to him laughing as I held my bag full of money as tight as I could as the cart started moving as he hastily pocketed the coins and we gripped tightly at each other's arms as I rested my head against his arm as I grinned

"I'd like my arm back by the end of this"

"So would I!" I said laughing as it started gaining speed and I looked at the grin on his face as our grips tightened as we started climbing upwards as I tried not to shriek as we passed under the waterfall and we both got soaked as we both started laughing. Getting out a minute or so later I wobbled as I held my stomach and we both left Gringotts as I leant against a pillar outside as he stood there laughing at me

"Stop laughing at me before I decide to be sick on you!" I said to him with a warning tone before I started laughing as I looked down and made sure my hair and clothes were properly dry as he stood opposite me with a smile

"I must say that I'm hurt that you're not wanting my company as you go around Diagon Alley"

"I'll make it up to you, I promise-"

"I was joking Amelia" he cut across me laughing as I shook my head and adjusted my house cloak before we started walking down the front steps and through the bustling street

"So where is it I'll be meeting you later?"

"Just outside the leaky cauldron if that's good with you?"

"Yeah that's perfect for me- oh, looks like your friends are here" he told me quietly as I followed his line of sight and watched as Blaise and Draco fought through the crowds with a confused look on their faces as I laughed slightly before turning back to Cedric as I was pulled into a hug and I started laughing again

"If the blond one bothers you: just tell me and I'll sort him out"

"The blond one" I quoted after letting out a snort of laughter as I looked up at him and found a grin etched onto his face as I continued to laugh

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