|Chapter 152 : Confrontation|

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"Did you stay behind?"


"Did you purposefully stay behind and watch to see what my boggart would become?" I asked Draco after he had sat down in the seat next to me in history of magic as I stared at the scratches on the desk. When he hadn't answered I turned my head to him as he stared back at me

"I did"



"Just tell me why you did so"

"Because I was curious- alright? Is that such a crime?" He asked quietly as the rest of the class started coming into the room and I flicked my wand, setting up my quill and parchment as Binns started talking and it took down word for word what he said. Rummaging around in my bag, I pulled out my textbook and jotter as I started doing work

"Are you going to answer me?"


"Well you just did-"

"Fuck off"

"So what's that you're doing then?"

"Muggle work-"


"Are you deaf?"


"Then you heard me. Like I said: it's muggle work, biology to be specific"

"Why are you doing muggle work when you go to a wizarding school where you're going to get a wizards job?"

"Who said I was going to go down the career path of a wizard?"

"What else are you going to do? Go off and fascinate yourself with muggles like Weasley?"

"No. In case I don't make it into a wizards job, in case I fail my exams.... at least I know I'll have a back up plan-"

"You think you could fail your exams?"

"I don't have much faith in myself-"

"You've passed every single test and exam we've had with full marks, sometimes over. Don't tell me that you think you'll-"

"How do you know that?" I asked quietly as I lifted my head and turned to him, Binns still droning on as he glanced to the quill that was still continuing to take notes

"Can I copy your notes?"

"Answer my question and I'll consider it"

"I'll take my own notes" he mumbled quietly after a pause as he turned away and I shook my head, turning back to my jotter as I continued with my work.


"Lia? Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll see you back in the common room" I told them before waking the opposite way, down the corridor towards Myrtle's bathroom as people shifted over to the other side of the hall to avoid me while something hit my back just as I opened the door, pain shooting through me as I shook my head, ditching my things at the sink as I dropped my robe, blood starting to stain my shirt as I cursed over and over again, searching for my wand as I tried to heal the cuts through the parts of my shirt that were ripped, my arms just as scratched up as my back and stomach


"Come up behind me again, Brown, and I swear to Merlin I'll curse you into that cubicle" I told her through gritted teeth as I looked up at her in the mirror, standing not too far behind me as I picked my robe up and pulled it on, Padma and Parvati on either side of her as I eyed them individually

"Three girl's coming to attack one in a bathroom? Your mothers would be proud" I sneered at them as I caught sight of their wands in their hands, Lavender staring at me with gritted teeth as I raised my eyebrows

"Oh, I'm sorry. I seem to have of touched a nerve-"

"Don't talk about my mother in that way"

"Then don't provoke me-"

"You shouldn't have of even been allowed back to Hogwarts this year, with your father and all-"

"You don't know shit about me, my life or my father-"

"I know he's a murderer-"

"And I know you're a slapper-"

"You're the only person to call me a slapper-"

"That's because I'm the only honest person that has the balls to do so-"

"Meanwhile, the whole school calls you a skank-"

"Not the whole entirety of the school-"

"Will be soon enough-"

"Was that supposed to be a threat? Because if so, it was fucking weak" I scoffed as I picked my bag up, slinging it over my shoulder as I started to walk away

"You also act as if the slurs insult me-"

"Why didn't you face the boggart, Amelia?" Lavender asked as I stopped, turned around and looked at her, watching her walk towards me with her wand still in her hand

"Because I'd rather not face it in front of such a judgmental whore like you" I shrugged as she raised her wand, pointing it directly at me as I blinked once. Raising my hand, I smacked her wand away as it flew to the floor and let out a loud bang before I grabbed both of her shoulders, bringing her towards me and kneeing her in the stomach as she buckled with a shout of pain before I grabbed her by the back of her collar tightly, my wand in other hand as I raised it at the other two, flicking my wand as I disarmed them. Catching both of their wands I raised my hand as I threw them one by one into the nearest stall, both landing in the toilet as a splash followed each of them

"Firstly, never raise your wand at me, secondly, don't put me in a threatening situation. Thirdly, good luck getting your wands back. And fourthly, don't fuck with me-"

"Good to go, Lia?"

"Yeah. Just let me get the dirt off my hands" I told Pansy as I turned my head and smiled at her, looking at where she was leaning against the wall with her wand hidden under her crossed arm as I dropped Lavender, flicking my wand as a stream of water hit her and she let out a shriek before I turned and grinned at Pansy

"I'm ready"

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