|Chapter fifty three : Painted|

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"Let go of my arm!" I told Oscar loudly as he started dragging me up the stairs as soon as we landed as mum looked at us

"Oscar, give Amelia a minute. Your things are in your rooms, go and have a look" she told us smiling as Holly darted up past us and I started walking up with Oscar, masking my sigh as I watched Holly run into her room as we continued walking, making our way to the very end of the corridor when we were met by a high pitched squeal

"Do you think she's finally seen her own reflection?"

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it" I muttered as we got to my closed bedroom door as he started jumping up and down excitedly while I raised my eyebrows at him, sighing slightly before pushing the handle down as I let the door swing open.

"Holy fuck..."

"Do you like it?!" Ignoring Oscar I walked in with a smile growing as I stared around at the emerald green walls, a couple of black and silver lines going across the main wall. Turning around I looked at my desk, chest of drawers and bed frame which had all been changed to a dark mahogany as I looked at him with a grin

"Of course I do"

"... are you sure?"

"Yeah, of course I do. It's like my dorm-"

"You need to tell me everything!" He said loudly before dumping himself down onto my bed as I let out a laugh, away to sit down beside him when something was chucked at the window and I turned around as he jumped up and we went over, opening the window to see both Fred and George outside as they simultaneously winked with grins on their faces, brooms in hand with Nathan and Jayden by their sides as I opened my window slightly before turning to Oscar

"You could always fill me in later. But who were the two at the station?"

"The taller one was Adrian. And then the other was Flint, he's the captain. Both are chasers"

"Is this you away to do your homework?"

"Yeah. So I don't have to worry about doing it later"

"Smart. Well, I'll see you later then" waving slightly I watched as he walked from my room and let out a sigh, walking over to my door before shutting it, going back to my desk with pieces of parchment

"Why is it no one is capable of shutting doors around here?"

Hearing a couple of knocks to my door about an hour later I gave a hum as I continued to write on the parchment, almost finishing my potions work as the space on the desk I was working on was sat on before I looked up smiling, meeting an amused face

"Hello Nathan"


"You're wanting a hug-"

"Damn right I am" Nathan told me laughing as I stood up amused, getting pulled into a tight hug as I squeaked slightly

"Loosen up please. Can't breathe here"

"Oh fuck, shit, sorry"

"Colourful word choice" I murmured with a smile after he had loosened his hold slightly as I rested my head against him

"You smell like caramel and peaches" I told him quietly as I looked up with a grin as he started laughing before I stepped back and he sat down on my desk chair while I jumped up onto the window sill

"Thank you for that, way to boost my confidence"


"No! I was being sincere!" He told me laughing as I looked at him with a smile while I felt a poke to my knee as I raised an eyebrow at him

"You missed it: Ali told Adam he smelt of shame" he whispered as I burst out laughing, a grin growing on his face as he shook his head slightly with a sigh

"That was hilarious, I'll have to show you the memory"

"Are you coming to Spain with us?"

"Of course, Adam and Ali are coming too. Jayden might, we don't know yet. But we're only coming along so we can annoy the shit out of you"

"Ah, thought so" I muttered with a smile as he looked at me before glancing to the piece of parchment I was writing on

"Your writing is so neat- is everything alright?"

"Why did-? I- what? I'm confused as to how the subject changed so drastically"

"I know. But are you?"


"Liar. Come on, spill. You can talk to me, tell me what happened" I looked up at the ceiling with a quiet sigh before shrugging slightly

"Mum acted different"

"What do you mean?"

"When she hugged me. It wasn't.. it wasn't right. Something was off. She doesn't want me to be in Slytherin. She wanted me to be in Gryffindor with Holly, she wants me to be Holly" I murmured as he punched my knee gently and I looked at him as he raised his eyebrows at me

"Listen to me, okay? It doesn't matter what house you are in, it does not matter what you are labelled because you are still you at the end of the day and nothing will change that. Nadia is still your mother and will love you like she always has. Maybe she would've liked you to be in Gryffindor but she won't think of you any differently for not being placed there"

"But it's still like-"

"Amelia. Listen to me, please. It doesn't change anything, okay?"

"... okay" I sighed as a smile grew on his face and he stood up before I was dragged down onto the floor as he kept ahold of my hands, a grin on his face

"Do you want to get ice cream?"

"Yes please"

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