|Chapter Eighty six : Cold|

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"I'm cold" I muttered quietly as I drew my quilt tighter around me, looking at the small initials on the corner as a small and sad smile crossed my face

"Just like my heart"

"Now is not the time to debate who is more dead inside"

"I never said anything about debating who was more dead inside, I was only relating to you and the fact that you said you were cold and I said just like my heart"

"...shut up Blaise, it's too early for your big and smart sentences" I said to him after a quiet moment as he looked at me with a grin

"What do you mean 'too early'? It's four o'clock in the afternoon!" He said laughing as I shrugged with a smile and I rested my head on his shoulder

"I wish we had more fireplaces in here"

"And the couches weren't made of bloody leather that leaves you freezing every time you sit on the damn thing" I added with a laugh after hitting the couch we were sitting on as he joined in

"I also wish there was a carpet"

"I couldn't agree more"

"I wish we could just completely redesign-"

"I disagree-"

"But it's so dark and dreary in here. And cold"

"I wish there was heat, yes. But I love it the way it is, I think it actually represents true Slytherins... or well, to an extent" I said to him, adding the last part with a mutter as he let out a snort of laughter while he turned to me with a grin

"Such a way with words"

"Thank you, I try-" I sighed with a smile as I was cut off by a dorm door banging open behind us as I lifted my head and the two of us looked around. Watching both Adrian and Miles walk away from the steps I raised an eyebrow at Adrian as he tried to contain his laughter while Miles walked with a book clutched tightly in his hands while looking between us

"Unbelievable! I'm speechless!-"

"Well you just said something"

"Well no shit"

"Well if you said something then you can't be speechless can you?" I asked laughing as he opened his mouth but stopped as he pointed at me

"Stop being smart"

"No can do my friend, no can do-"

"Who's ever called Amelia smart?"

"Actually Blaise, point made- Blaise!" I said loudly as I turned and stared at him as he started laughing and I smacked his shoulder

"You're meant to be on my side here!"

"I know, but I couldn't help it"

"Fuck you- anyway, what's got your wand in a knot?"

"I was reading, and-"

"Shit, wait... you can read?" I asked Miles sincerely as the two both let out a snort of laughter and a grin grew on my face as a slight sour look crossed his face

"Like I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted. I came across the saying 'Death is just a door leading to another great adventure'"

"Oh how poetic"

"I thought you said pathetic..." Blaise whispered to me after I had scoffed as we looked at each other and both started laughing

"I wish she did. It wouldn't have of made me seem as dumb"

"Being poetic doesn't make you dumb! It-"

"It does. It also means I don't have a life"

"Wow... well we knew that about you already"

"Wow... thank you" Miles muttered to Adrian as the two of us looked at them with amused grins

"So what were you saying?"

"No, it's just... I thought I had heard that somewhere before..."

"Probably some crackpot old fool said it when they were high. Anyway, we've got practice Amelia"

"You coming Zabini?" I asked after standing as he sighed slightly before nodding and pushing himself up with some reluctance as I gave him a grin, wrapping my arm around his shoulders as he let out a laugh

"You're too tall"

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