|Chapter twenty five : Pushback Questions|

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"What's a queen without her king?"

"Historically better" I murmured as I drunk from my goblet and glanced around

"Well, what's Juliet without Romeo?"



"She's not wrong" Daphne laughed as I grinned at her with a wink

"I know I'm not-"

"I know she's not. But that's not the point Lia. I'm trying to be sweet and state that we need each other"

"Yes, okay, I agree. We do need each other. You don't have to try and be sweet though because you already are. But in all honesty Cedric you shouldn't use sayings like that when I can push you away with facts" I told him after finishing my slice of toast as I looked at him with a smile as he furrowed his eyebrows

"You want to push me away?"



"You're wanting a hug"

"Yes I am"

"Well come on then- oh, well, okay" I mumbled after suddenly getting pulled into a hug as I rested my head against his shoulder, smiling at Daphne, Millicent and Pansy opposite us

"This is what I love about us"

"I just love us in general"

"Awh, me too Ced" I laughed as I poked his side before rubbing my face tiredly

"How much sleep did you get last night Lia?"

"Not enough"

"How come?"

"I had my detention-"

"You got another detention?!"

"Yes but that's a story for another time-"

"You need to tell me"

"I will, soon anyway-"

"So how much sleep did you get?"

"Around an hour. An hour and a half at most"

"No, not acceptable. Go to sleep"

"We're in the hall" I reminded him laughing as he looked at me with a smile, nodding as he moved his hand to the side of my head and kept it there to stop me from moving

"I know"

"Why are you here so often?"

"Me and Cedric are stitched at the hip. We're pretty much with each other constantly" I told Millicent laughing as he patted my head with an amused look

"We come as a package"

"That can be taken many different ways-"

"Be quiet Pansy"

"Well anyway, as happy as I am being here I have to head back to my own house table and sort something out for quidditch training. Remember to get some sleep and I'll see you later" he told me quietly as I nodded, kissing his hand as I grinned at him as he got to his feet, nodding to me with a smile before disappearing as I grabbed a stack of toast, my stomach painfully empty

"I'll pay you three galleons to see you eat all that toast" Daphne said as I snorted


"So what's his blood status?"

"Why does that matter?" I asked Millicent as my face turned cold as I met her eyes

"I was only wondering"

"And so was I" I told her as I continued to stare at her as she finally looked away and continued to eat her breakfast as I turned to the other two

"Where's Blaise?"

"Down there" Pansy murmured while drinking from her goblet as I couldn't help but let a smile grow on my face as I glanced to where she had jerked her head, finding him sitting with someone I hadn't seen before, dark brown hair and slightly pale skin as he spoke to Blaise with an amused grin on his face that seemed to make his light blue eyes seem more lively

"Who's that he's sitting with?"

"Theodore Nott"

"He's in our house?"

"Yeah, don't you know him?"

"No, but I don't get it, there's only four beds in Blaise's dorm"

"He shares a dorm with the guys in the year above us. He grew up with them"

"Oh, is he any good?"

"Oh yeah, he's actually quite nice. I think you'd get along well with him"

"Is there anything.... off about him?" I asked quietly as I turned away from him, something about his smile bugging me as I looked between them

"Not that we know. He's just very picky about who he wants to get along with"

"And are you in that bubble?"

"All three of us are. Yet again, we grew up with him- it's his smile that made you ask isn't it?" Daphne asked quietly as I turned to her, nodding slowly before looking back down to them both, finding the two of them staring down at us as I turned away again

"That was awkward. But anyway, that's what threw me off at first too, but he's cute"



"Got to admit it, he is" I agreed quietly as I looked to them smiling before standing up

"Well ladies, I shall see you all later" I told them all before walking away amused, poking Blaise's back as I passed as he turned to me amused while I left the hall, Miles appearing at my side a minute later

"Well hello to you too"

"I have the date"

"The date? For what?"

"Our next match. It's against Hufflepuff, twelfth of February"

"Oh, that's sooner than I thought"

"Well the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw game is the end of December-"

"Thank Merlin that's not when we're playing" I sighed as the two of us started laughing while he turned to me

"Flint will talk to you more about it nearer the time but we also have practice quite late tonight, eight until nine" he told me as I nodded, talking for another couple of minutes before we went our separate ways and I headed back to the common room in search of some warmer clothes

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