|Chapter twenty eight : Christmas Joy|

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"Merry Christmas asshats!" I shouted loudly as a simultaneous groan came from both Pansy and Daphne, Millicent having gone home as I chucked each of them a box as I wrapped my house coat around me tighter before walking out of the dorm and up the stairs before heading to the boys dorm, finding Blaise still asleep as I put his present down quietly before running at his bed as I jumped on top of him and laid across him, laughing hysterically as he let out a groan of frustration

"Fuck whoever that is"

"Oh come on, you know it's me" I laughed as I poked his back continually as he turned his head and looked at me tiredly

"What do you want?"


"Why did you feel the need to wake me?"

"Because it's Christmas!" I told him happily, a grin on my face as a small smile grew on his face as he shook his head at me

"You should go back to sleep. It's too early"

"It's ten past nine-"

"Too early"

"That is like an extreme sleep in for me"

"You don't sleep in, what're you on about?"

"Come on, just get up" I pleaded as he turned back towards me as I gave him a smile as he nodded amused

"Fine. There's no guarantee though"

"What? How? Why?"

"Well I can't exactly move if you're lying on me can I?"

"Oh. Yeah" I muttered as I rolled off of him as we both started laughing as he finally got up, throwing his duvet to the floor as I looked around the empty dorm

"Thank god he isn't here-"


"Who do you think Blaise?"

"Oh! You mean Draco?-"

"Malfoy" I corrected him as he looked at me for a moment, a smirk forming as I chucked him his present

"Merry Christmas"

"You got me something?"

"What? Of course I did!" I told him quietly, matching his surprised look as I smiled at him and he looked up with a grin before opening his desk drawer and passing a present to me as I smiled at him before pulling him into a hug

"Thank you"

"No problem at all, thank you for my jellybeans and other mysterious gift"

"How did you know that-?"

"I can hear them" he told me amused as I nodded in understanding before linking arms as he put them down on his desk while I looked at him confused

"I'll open them after dinner"

"But dinner is ages away" I whined as I looked at him and he started laughing while we walked from the door and I started unwrapping my gift, stopping in my tracks as I started jumping up and down with glee as I wrapped him in a tight hug, grinning from ear to ear as I clutched the book tightly

"Thank you!"

"Thank Merlin you like it"

"I love it! I always wanted to get this one!"

"I know! You wouldn't stop going on about it!" He said laughing as I joined in for a moment longer before we both walked down to the dorm so I could change, all of us heading out awhile later as I decided to open my gifts when we got back.

"I'm so cold!"

"That's what happens when you get buried in snow"

"My red is nose" I mumbled quietly as we walked through the thick snow, my clothes completely soaked as we all stopped and I looked down confused

"Did I-?"

"Did you really just say that?"

"I think so"

"Your English skills are impeccable Lia"

"Thank you for noticing. Also, I need to disappear after I change"

"What? Why?"

"I need to see Cedric so I can give him his gifts"

"Oh, that's ok then-"

"Wait, are you sitting with us in the hall?"

"Yes! Obviously" I told them laughing before disappearing to change into warmer clothes before leaving again with a box in hand as I waved to them before leaving the common room, passing both Adrian and Miles on the way back as I offered a smile to them both, stopping as I stared after them confused when I got a smile back from both of them

"Oh Amelia!"

"Oh Cedric!" I called back laughing after I stopped on the flight of stairs I was climbing, turning to look at him with a smile

"Merry Christmas"

"Merry Christmas to you too Lia. You look absolutely freezing"

"I am-"

"Well then hurry up and get over here so I can hug you"

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