|Chapter 113 : Lost|

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"I don't want to talk about it" I muttered to Pansy as we walked into the hall and I glanced around, feeling eyes on me as I looked to the Hufflepuff table, watching Tristan sit down by himself at an empty part of the table as I paused

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah... I'll see you in a bit" I told her quietly before turning and heading over to the table as I sat down next to him as he turned his head, a small smile growing on his face



"So how're you?"

"Same old I suppose. Just sort of-"


"Basically, yeah" he admitted quietly with a laugh as I tried to offer a smile while he turned to me completely

"How many is that now?"

"Well, there's Oscar, Holly and my mum. The cat, Colin, Justin and then Nearly Headless Nick"

"So, seven"


"People were speaking in the common room yesterday"

"God... saying what?"

"Well they were pointing out that it's been two Hufflepuffs and four Gryffindors, and of course Mrs Norris. They were wondering how the teachers haven't noticed that all the Slytherins are safe and that it's obvious that all this stuff is coming from Slytherin. The heir of Slytherin, the monster of Slytherin- they were saying we'd all be a lot safer if all the Slytherins were chucked out" he explained to me quietly as I turned and glanced around the Hufflepuff table, feeling eyes on me as they turned away and I done the same

"Cedric didn't take it well"

"That doesn't surprise me"

"And I, for one, don't think that this whole situation has anything to do with you whatsoever so I won't change how I act around you" he added on while taking a drink from his goblet as a smile crossed my face and I beamed at him

"Thank you"

"No problem, also, Hannah was wanting to speak to you"

"Hannah? Christ... I haven't spoken to Hannah in ages"

"She said she was wanting to try and catch you at the end of class or something, I'm not entirely sure, I wasn't really listening"

"Wow, helpful"

"I know, I'm reliable. Is it true about you having to get walked to classes?"

"Yeah. How'd you find out?"

"Cedric brought it up"

"Right. Let me rephrase that: how did Cedric find out?" I asked as we both started laughing and he shrugged slightly

"I suppose Sprout told him, she's brought up how close you two are up to him before"

"She has?"

"Oh yeah, a few times actually. In a good way though. She likes the fact that it's inter-house relationships and all of that"

"Oh right, not what I was expecting but alright. What do you have first?"

"History Of magic-"


"What about you?"


"Not bad"

"True, but it's a double. A double where the first fifteen minutes I'm going to get lectured"

"Really? About what?" He asked while taking a bit of toast as I dug the sheet of parchment out of my pocket and unfolded it on the table as he peered at it

"Course choices for third year. Care of magical creatures, Ancient Runes and Arithmancy"

"And divination"

"Pansy forced me to take it"

"Apparently it's a load of rubbish"

"It is. I didn't want to take it. Snape is supposed to get it by today and I can't be bothered to change any of it" I told him with a slight laugh as I felt a tap on my shoulder while we both turned, looking to Pansy who was standing there as she motioned to the doors

"Good to go?"

"Yeah. See you later Tristan" standing up, we offered waves to each other before walking from the hall, finding Nathan leaning against the wall outside the doors as he stood upright

"Got everything you need?"


"I mean, I don't have a sense of purpose but sure"


"Fucking hell Amelia"

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