Chapter 8

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     When you got out of the shower, you smiled to yourself. You had just human done it with your matesprit. Just thinking about it made you blush and giggle.

     "_______, have you seen my sweater?" You heard Kankri yell.

     You slip said red turtle neck over your head snuggling into it. "In fact, I have!" You walked out of the bathroom, giggling.

     He saw you and blushed, smiling a little. "It appears that I'll have my pants line back!"

     "Not so fast, Porrim will kill me." You giggled, going into your closet and pulling out a sweatshirt. It was red with a grey cancer sign. "I've been working on this with a little help from Gamzee and his friend Kanaya."

     "Thank you! I love it!" He smiled. "It covers up my pants line but- I don't think I even really care! It's awesome."

     "Your welcome!" You blush as he hugged you, excitedly.

     "It's nice to know that you'd do something like this for me-it's comforting." He mumbled.

     "It was nothing, really!" You giggled and hugged him back.

     Your phone rang, making you two have to break the embrace. You walk over to your phone and pick it up.


     "Uhh,,, _______, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out..?" Tavros's voice rang through the phone.

     "Sure! I don't see why not!" You cheered. "I'm with Kankri right now, but later should be fine!"

     Kankri perked up at his name, looking at you.

     "Okay,,, uh, can you go to the park around seven? I was hoping to, uh,,, look for Gamzee again. Kankri can come too, uhh,,, if he wants I mean."

     "Alright. He has stuff to do later, so it'll just be me. I'll see you then!" You said, hanging up.

     "Who was that?" Kankri asked.

     "It was Tavros." You said, putting down your phone. You walked over to your matesprit and hugged him again, glad that he no longer freaked out about his personal space. "We're going to the park at seven to look for Gamzee again."

     "I see." He nodded, giving your body a squeeze. He glanced over at his watch. "Oh, I have to go!" He exclaimed, letting you go.

     "Alright. I'll see you tomorrow then." You kissed his cheek then opened the door for him.

     "Yes, tomorrow!" He smiled and closed the door behind himself. You sighed and layed down on the couch. Now to wait for seven. You closed your eyes and let the warm black of sleep embrace you.

     There was a purple haze that clouded your eyes and your vision. You tried to wipe it away, but you couldn't move. You tried to say 'huh?' but you couldn't make a single noise. The haze eventually cleared itself away and you saw Gamzee's front porch, his door opening. You knew exactally what was coming, but you couldn't stop it. Gamzee exited his hive, his eyes red and his facepaint smeared. A frown was marked clearly on his face. He looked over in your direction and smiled, then started running.

     You woke up, tears rolling down your cheeks. The memory of your moirail now haunting your dreams.

     You got up and wiped the translucent teal tears from your face. Taking a deep breath and went to the bathroom to fix your makeup.

     Taking a glance at the clock, you see that it's 6:38. "Oh, I should get going." You murmered to yourself. Snuggling yourself into Kankri's red sweater, you left your hive, making sure to lock the door behind yourself. You strolled to the park, making sure to avoid Gamzee's neighborhood.

     Once you get to the park, you could sense that something was wrong. Something was off.

     You saw some brown liquid staining the grass. "Wh-what?" You followed the trail and found something that you really didn't want to see.

     "T-Tavros?" You stared at the scene, a blank look clouding your face as teal tears ran down your cheeks for a second time that day. Your friend was dead. Laying in the park.

     The body was pale. There were bruises dusting various parts on his skin, and scratches oozed brown blood. It was truly sickening to look at. But what was the worst was that he was staring lifelessly into your eyes, and his stomach had a huge lance shoved through it. It looked painful, and was painful to see.

     You felt a lump in your throat and you fell backwards, holding a hand up to your mouth. You couldn't stop the feeling that you were going to be sick. Your other hand searched in your pocket, fishing out your phone. You dialed a familiar number and waited for them to pick up.

     "Hello?" His voice rang.

     "Kankri?" Your voice was but a whisper.

     "_______?" He asked. "What's wrong?"

     "Tavros is- he's- dead!" You began to sob. "I found his body here and, it, he was murdered!"

     "I'll be right there. You're at the park?"

     "Yes." You said, and he hung up. You wiped your eyes and crawled over to a bush. An a acidic taste moved it's way into your mouth and you could feel snakes writhing in your stomach, up your throat, and finally out into the bush.

     "_______?" A female voice sounded. "What the hell- Oh my gog what the hell happened!?"

     This voice was never friendly to you. "Get a-" you threw up again. "Away."

     "No. You need help." She said.

     "Vriska, why the hell are you being nice to me?" You asked.

     "Because I heard how long you were in the hospital and besides, John's been making me a better person."

     "John?" You question.

     "Eh, that doesn't matter right now." She shrugged. "Now what the everloving fuck happened here, hmm?"

     "Well, I have no idea! I just found him here like this.." You trailed off. "I-I don't know what to do." The sick feeling returned when you looked at the body.

     "_______!" Finally, a voice you wanted to hear.

     Kankri kneeled next to you. "Are you okay? What's Vriska doing here?"

     Your stomach wretched. "I don't know, I don't know!" Tears fell from your eyes once again. "I think- I think it may have been Gamzee."

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