Chapter 10

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     As you walked out of the library, you actually felt happy. You felt genuine happiness. Karkat and Sollux had successfully distracted you from the hell that you've been going through, and it was great.

     "Hello _______, Karkat! How was the class?" Kankri was waiting for you outside abd your smile grew.


     You giggled. "It was great." You went up and hugged him, despite his small protests about being in front of people. "You were right, all I needed was something to distract me."

     "See? Maybe I should think of great ideas more often." He smiled and finally relaxed.


     "Karkat! I was going to let it go, but because you're persisting, I must ask you to stop using such triggering language!" Kankri chided.

     "OH MY FUCKING GOG." He groaned, making you laugh.

     "You better thtop Kk, he'll keep going." Sollux chuckled.

     "I will indeed keep going! I-"

     You cut him off with a kiss, making him blush profusely. "Kankri, let's go to the hive, okay?"

     He nodded, keeping his mouth shut. His blush was bright and red, almost matching his sweater.

     "I'll see you guys next week, okay?" You said, waving at Karkat and Sollux as you walked away.

     "So are you happy about making new friends?" Kankri asked you.

     "Of course! I think me and Karkat are gonna be close. Not like I was with Gamzee, but close." You smiled.

     He thought for a second. "Maybe.. Maybe I'll look for Gamzee. Try to calm him down." He looked at you.

     "I-" you sighed then looked him in the eyes. "You don't have to do that, but I know that you know I won't stop you."

     "Alright. I'll search while you're in those classes!" He smiled and looked ahead, taking your hand in his.

     "Wow, look at you, pda, I'm proud Kanny!" You heard a female voice behind you.

     You turned around to find a grinning Latula. "Woah and with this chick? Rad, bro!"

     "Latula!" You screeched, letting go of your matesprit's hand to hug your old friend. "It's been too long!"

     "It really has, man! Wow, I just can't get over how rad it is seeing you! And you're with Kanny? Who woulda thought? Ha!" She high fived you, making your hand sting a bit.

     "You two know each other?" Kankri walked next to you, looking slightly confused.

     "Ya-doi!" She laughed. "We were great pals a while back!"

     "We really were." You giggled.

     "I gotta have you meet Tuna sometime, girl! Here, what's your number?" She took out a pen and rolled down her sleeve.

     You told her your number and she got back on her skateboard. "Hey, I have to go dudes. See ya' 'round!" She skated off.

     "Wow, she's so-" Kankri started, looking slightly annoyed.

     "Rad?" You finished, giggling a bit.

     "Sure." He ground his teeth a bit before smiling. "Now where were we?" He grabbed your hand, this time with more confidence.

     You gripped his hand and looked into his eyes, smiling sweetly. "Of course. Let's go home."

-time skip-

     "And that is how our world came about." Kankri finished.

     "Wow. Sgrub? Sounds like a cool game." You giggled.

     "It was, until everything got screwed up." He sighed.

     "So, why are you telling me this?" You asked.

     "Because this world's copy was found yesterday."

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