Chapter 7

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     "_____" Kankri looked at you. "There is little hope for Gamzee to return to his previous state. You know this."

     "Yeah yeah yeah, I know. The only things that I can do are either get him to eat the slime or shoosh and pap. I'll get him to come around, and it's my duty as his moirail and Taveros as his matesprit to help him keep his shit together."

     "Uhh,,, yeah." Tavros added.

     "He warned me that this would happen- that he would go literally insane if he didn't get enough of his pie, but now it's a real thing that we have to work together to fix." Years pricked your eyes and you packed a small bag, getting ready to go hiking to find your moirail.

     "Okay, I'm coming with you though." Kankri put his hands on his hips.

     "You don't have to but- okay. It's always good to have someone in your hiking group with common sense." You giggled.

     "I'm so glad that you agree." He smiled, making you laugh.

     "I'm so glad that you learned to make jokes." You shook your head, smiling.

     "Yeah, Karkat must be happy, too." Tavros laughed quietly.

     "Who's Karkat?" You asked.

     "You'll meet him one day." Kankri waved away your question and picked up your bag for you. "But right now, we're looking for your friend.

-time skip of AWESOME-

     "I can't believe that we didn't even find a trace of him." You mumbled, feeling empty. You brought Tavros home after your trek, so now it was just you and Kankri.

     "It'll be okay. We'll find him." He said, bringing you into a warm embrace.

     You instantly return the hug, diving your face in his warm sweater. "I think- I think that I'll be okay as long as you're with me."


Hey you guys! The nest chapter will be smut, the lemon continuation of this chapter. I may suck because it will be my first time writing smut, but I'll do it for the few of you that keep reading this. I'll post it asap, so yeah. And the only relevance that it holds to the storyline is that it happened, so yeah. You can skip it if you want. I spent all day pondering wether or not I should do this, and I will because I can.. So yeah. I'll also put out chapter 8 as soon as I can for those of you not wanting to read a lemon. So that's why this chapter is so painfully short.

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