Chapter 4

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     It's been about a month since you were released from the hospital, and you and Kankri have become close friends. You him and Gamzee hang out a lot, even though they sometimes butt heads.

     You must admit, Kankri really grew on you. You've learned to love his lectures, as hard as it was, and Gamzee deals with it by spacing out.

     However, if you're really honest with yourself, you may feel a bit red for the red blood. It just makes you feel happy when he's around, and today, you're going to confess that to him.

     You don't want it to be a simple confession either. You don't need it to be extravagant, but normal is so last week.

     So, you decided that going to devote your while day to listening to his lectures. You're going to dress nicely with help from Kanaya (she lent you a cute red skirt) and you're going to kiss him in the end.

     It's a risky way to do it, but you're formulated a way that it can't go wrong. At least, you hope so.

     You sigh, thinking over your plans as you walk to his hive. You approached the door and took a deep breath. You rise your hand slowly, your nerves trying to take control of you. You closed your eyes and knocked on the grey door, being exactly on time.

     Kankri opened the door. "Oh, _______, right on time! Thank you for that, being late could very well trigger someone!" He said, moving aside. "Anyway, come in, come in! And don't mind my lusus."

     You walked in and took your shoes off at the door.

     "So, _______, what inclined you to make these plans today?" He asked.

     "I wanted to reserve a whole day to listen to you." You said smiling.

     Excitement filled his eyes and a wide smile cracked across his face. "Okay! Oh, this is so great! All day? I could cover a few topics. Is there anything specific that you want to hear about?" He asked.

     "Nope! Just anything you want to talk about! And by now, you know my triggers." You said excitedly.

     "Oh, such freedom! Have a seat!" He gestured toward his couch. "I'll go get us some ice water! Oh, I think some chips might be in order, too!" He rushed into the kitchen, making you giggle at his enthusiasm.

[[Time skip brought to you by the cool kid, the master of rap, the knight of time, the ruby god tier, Dave Strider!]]

     "And that is my views and understanding on the trollian beforus-alternia culture and history." Kankri finished.

     You smiled and checked the time. "Nine o'clock?" You sighed. "I should really get going, but before I do, I have to tell you something." You looked to Kankri.

     "Well, what is it?" He asked.

     "I-I don't really know how to put it into words. So, I think I'm going to try something. I-it may trigger you. Is that okay?" You blushed and looked into his eyes.

     "Because you tagged it, it'll be quite alright." He nodded slowly.

     "Alright. Close your eyes." You whispered, and he obeyed. You took a deep breath and leaned in, softly kissing him on the lips.

     His eyes shot open and he gently pushed you away. "_______, this may trigger you, and I'm sorry, but I don't feel that way about you!" He held your shoulders. "I sincerely apologize."

     You felt your heart drop. A lump formed in your throat. "It's alright Kankri. I should have known that you didn't feel that way about me." You felt hollow, a sad nothing.

    "You're crying. Should I call Gamzee?" He asked, flustered.

     "I'm crying?" You touched your cheek, feeling the tears that stained your delicate features. "I should go." You got up and walked quickly to the door, putting on your shoes. "I'm sorry for putting you in such a position, I don't know what I was thinking I- goodbye Kankri.." You said, leaving.

     You choked a little walking away from his hive. You felt dull. A voice rang inside your head, telling you how stupid you were, how stupid you are. Your hand reached down to your pocket, grabbing your phone. You dial the familiar number of your moirail, holding back sobs.

     "HeLlO?" You hear.


     "_______? HeY sIs! WhAt'S gOt YoU aLl Up AnD cAlLiNg Me So LaTe?" He asked.

     "It didn't go well with Kankri."  You said, hot teal tears streaming down your face.

     "WhAt? ThAt MoThErFuCkEr DoEsN't KnOw WhAt KiNd Of MiRaClEs He'S aLl Up AnD mIsSiNg OuT oN." He said, his deep voice holding a fuzzy protective tone.

     "Can you meet me at my house?" You asked, your voice cracking.

     "Of CoUrSe SiS, i'M oN mY wAy." He said, hanging up.

     "Help me Gamzee." You told the cold dial tone. You started running, your vision blurry from your teal tears.

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