Chapter 1

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Hello! This whole story is payback for my friend Homestucfan because her story is awesome and uggghhhh! Anyway, read her story and you'll understand. Then read this and get mad at me! :33

     You sigh and trudge along the sidewalk. "Fuck" you stepped in some gum.

     "Excuse me but that word is quite triggering to some people, please try to use it in moderation." A voice rang behind you.

     "But I just stepped in some stupid gum." You pouted and turned around to see a troll with a red turtleneck sweater.

     "Well, it isn't the gum's fault." He shook his head slowly. "The gum isn't stupid."

     "Are you saying that I'm stupid?" You blinked.

     "No, that would be triggering." He frowned.

     "Damn right that would be triggering." You grumbled.

     "Please, try to refrain from using triggering statements." He looked slightly irritated.

     "Okay, I'll turn my life around for a stranger. I'll never swear or do anything offensive, ever!" The sarcasm dripped from your words.

     "Fine. But when you get someone triggered, don't say I didn't warn you." He started to walk away.

     "My name is _______." You say.

     "What was that?" He turned around.

     "I said, my name is _______." You repeated.

     "Well, my name is Kankri. I hope that someday you'll take more caution about triggers." He said, walking off.

     "Kankri.." you murmured. "Nice name, I like it."

     You continued walking with the gum on your shoe, your black and white converse shoe sticking a little along the way. Your mind keeps wandering back to the troll that you talked to. Kankri.

     "HeY sIs." You heard.

     "Gamzee, right?" You smiled, looking up to see a troll with white facepaint, wild hair, polka dot pants, and long wavy horns.

     "YeAh, SiS, sO gLaD yOu MaDe It." He grinned.

     "Glad I could come and finally meet you!" You hugged him.

     He hugged back. "YeAh, MoThErFuCkEr, ThE iNtErNeT jUsT iSn'T tHe SaMe As A rEaL lIfE mEeTiNg. HoNk."

     "Don't dis the internet, man." You joked.

     "ThE iNtErNeT iS a MiRaClE." He nodded and let go of you. "So SiS, wHaT dO yOu WaNnA mOtHeRfUcKiNg Do?"

     "I have no idea." You said, looking up at him.

     "NeItHeR dO I, hOnK." He laughed. "Do YoU wAnNa GeT sOmEtHiNg To EaT?" He asked you.

     "Sure!" You walked with him to a colorful building.

     "ThIs PlAcE iS fUlL oF mOtHeRfUcKiNg MiRaClEs." Gamzee looked fondly at the place before bringing you in, holding the door open for you along the way.

     "A faygo bar? These exist?" You look at him quizzically and he shrugs your question off.

     "I lOvE fAyGo." He laughed. "MoThErFuCkInG mIrAcLeS iN a BoTtLe."

     "I've never had it." You blushed.

     "WoAh, ReAlLy? HoNk. YoU'lL hAvE sOmE tOdAy ThEn." He brought you to a table and pulled out your chair for you.

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