Chapter 3

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     When you wake up, you hear dull beeping and see grey walls. You sit up and look around, realizing that you were in a hospital, and Gamzee was asleep in a chair next to your bed.

     "Oh, Gamzee.." You say, shaking your head and smiling.

     He stirred and got up. "HeY sIs, YoU'rE uP." He mumbled tiredly.

     "Yeah, I am." You rubbed your eyes.

     "YoU hAd Me WoRrIeD tHeRe SiS." He looked at you. "I tHoUgHt ThAt YoU wErEn'T gOnNa GeT bAcK uP."

     "Well how long was I out for?" You asked, looking at the black cast on your arm.

     "A wEeK." He replied, getting up. He handed you some clothes and pointed to a bathroom. "If YoU nEeD hElP i'M hErE. HoNk." He smiled suggestively.

     "I'm sure I'll be fine." You laughed and noticed new underwear in the pike of clothes. "Gamzee, did you go in my underwear drawer?"

     "HoW eLsE wOuLd YoU hAvE gOtTeN nEw UnDeRwEaR? HoNk." He smirked.

     "Fine, good point." You shook your head and giggled. "I'll start leaving an emergency bag in my closet. Got that Gamzee? Next time, no snooping through my underwear."

     "HoPeFuLlY tHeRe WoN't Be A nExT tImE." He laughed.

     "True, okay. There'll still be a bag though." You giggle, getting up and noticing the monitors placed on you. "Maybe you should get a nurse."

     "AlRiGhT sIs. I'lL bE rIgHt MoThErFuCkInG bAcK." He walked out of the room, returning a short time later with a nurse.

     "Welcome back!" She said cheerfully, taking off all of the monitors. "You can leave as soon as you change, Mr. Makara has already checked you out."

     "Thank you!" You say, walking into the bathroom. You look in the mirror to see that you're a little pale. Your hair is slightly greasy and your eyes look a little clouded. You had little bags under your eyes, and you felt disgusting. You took off the hospital dress and looked at the scar on your lower back. The skin around it was damaged. You struggled to put on your new clothes, your cast getting in the way. You finally get your clothes on and join Gamzee in the hospital room.

     "Okay, I'm finally ready." You sighed.

     "AlRiGhT sIs, LeT's Go!" Gamzee led you out of the hospital, carrying a small bag containing what could be salvaged from your old outfit.

     "Oh, _______, I was wondering how you were!" You heard. Looking up you saw a familiar red sweater.

     "Oh, hi Kankri!" You smiled. "Thanks again for saving me."

     "WiThOuT yOu, MoThErFuCkEr, ShE wOuLd HaVe BeEn DeAd." Gamzee said, smiling. "YoU tUrNiN uP wAs A mOtHeRfUcKiNg MiRaClE."

     Kankri visibly winced. "Well, I'm glad that I could help a fellow troll out." He smiled weakly. "Now, _______, how are you feeling?"

     "I'm fine. Not great, but not bad." You shrugged.

     "That's great! At least you're getting better!" He said. "You know, Vriska got a long stem talking to. I must admit, that child really needed a good chiding. She has some real triggering habits. It was actually quite interesting on my side."

     "WoAh, SlOw DoWn ThErE bRo." Gamzee laughed.

     "Oh, I apologize, did I say something to trigger you?" He asked.

     "No, YoU wErE rAmBlInG. We GoTtA hUrRy AnD gEt _______ HeRe HoMe." Gamzee said.

     "Oh, I'm so sorry." Kankri shook his head. "Of course you have to get home! Here, I'll come with you!"

     "Okay! I'll lead the way!" You giggled and matched ahead of the two, leading them to your hive as they silently glared at one another.

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