Chapter 7 Lemon

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Trigger warning! This chapter is a lemon, that means smut. That means sexy times. Okay? Feel free to skip this chapter, it holds only a lemon.

     You instantly return the hug, diving your face in his warm sweater. "I think- I think that I'll be okay as long as you're with me."

     Kankri smirked while you couldn't see his face then hugged you tighter and lightly kissed the top of your head. "I want you to know that I love you, ________. And, I want to show you how human couples express that. You know I've been researching it, and I find their methods very interesting."

     You blush, not knowing what to expect. What was he going to do? "What is it that they do?" You asked, hoping to get an answer.

     "Well, it's hard to explain, really. But you'll enjoy it. And you know, we should try to be accepting if other cultures. It can be, maybe, a way of internally accepting them." He broke the embrace and looked into your eyes. He took a deep breath then said something unimaginable. It seemed awkward, forced, rehearsed even. "Baby let me.. fuck you all night."

     You giggled and Kankri shivered. "Are you talking dirty to me?"

     He visibly winced. "I knew I shouldn't have said that, it's such a triggering statement! What was I thinking? I-"

     "Kankri, it's okay." You smirked. "I kinda liked it. You kissed him lightly on the nose, making him blush furiously.

     "I'll have to thank that Dave child then, his words were triggering, but wrong were they not." He relaxed a bit and cupped a hand on your cheek.

     You leaned in and kissed him, laying your hands on his chest. Your lips moving in sync.

     This wasn't the first time the two of you kissed, but it was the first time it held such passion.

     Kankri gently moved his hands and held your waist, just above your hip bones. Your arms glided up and you wrapped them around his neck, softly leaning them on his shoulders.

     "You know, Dave didn't just give me cultural advice on pickup lines." He blushed.

     You giggled, looking at Kankri you could tell that he was nervous, like he thought he would break you. "I look forward to seeing what it was."

     "I-I can show you. Should it be alright with you-"

     "Of course it's alright, Kankri, we're matesprits." You smiled.

     "Of course." He nodded, then picked you up, making you squeak. He brought you to your room and the door opened. "A bed? You don't have a recooprecoon?"

     "I liked the idea. No more waking up with slime. No more ruined clothes." You shrugged.

     "Maybe I shall give it a try." He smiled then laid you on the bed gently. "I will be trying many new things in the near future, so what's one more?"

     He kissed you gently, leaning over you. He wasn't touching anywhere but your lips, but he was so close that you. Could feel the heat coming off of his body. You supported yourself with your elbows and deepened the kiss.

     Kankri hesitantly broke the kiss and looked into your (e/c) eyes, searching for any sign of discomfort, finding none. He briefly glanced at your chest and looked back into your eyes as if asking permission.

     You nodded and he kissed you again, this time more passionate and more dominant. He gingerly let one of his hands grasp your breast, kneading it gently and slowly.

     You moaned softly, making him aware if your pleasure. He broke the kiss and muttered. "I'll have to thank 'Strider' later for his advice."

     "Strider?" You asked curiously.

     "Well, he told me to call him 'Strider' should his knowledge be adequate." He resumed the kiss and soon broke it again, traveling to your neck, lightly sucking and kissing until he found a spot that made you moan.

     Your tentabulges both wiggled impatiently, your anatomy not used to dealing with such a drawn out affair. You let your knee brush against his bulge, making him release an animalistic growl.

     He broke away from your neck, looking into you eyes again. You saw something that you didn't think was possible, lust. The trigger calling troll had a look of lust in his eyes. It was a weird thought, but it memorized you.

     He fumbled with the hem of your shirt then pulled out over your head, revealing your grey stomach and real with black lace bra. You blushed, and so did he.

     You helped him pull off his red sweater and you dropped it off the side of the bed. It landed with a gentle thud, the plush, heavy wool a huge contrast to the cool colors of your respite block.

     You had heard about your matesprit's thing with his pants line, but this was slightly ridiculous. He caught you looking and blushed, then taking off his ridiculous pants. You took the opportunity to take off yours as well.

     Your panties matched your bra, a teal base with black lace. Kankri, however was left in bright red briefs.

     Kankri blushed and began kissing you again, his and your tentabulges obviously squirming.

     He gulped and moved his hands to your panties, looking for your nod before sliding them down. He took care of his briefs before kissing you gently and letting his bulge tease the opening if your nook.

     A groan escaped his lips as your bulge wrapped around his, all the while giving him more access to your nook.

     He slowly slid his bulge into your nook, making you both moan in pleasure. He took an experimental thrust, making pleasure shoot through the both of you.

     "You- you can go faster, Kankri. You won't hurt me." You said, a teal blush dusting your cheeks.

     "O-okay. If you feel any pain, tell me.." he said before thrusting deep into your nook as his bulge squirmed.

     You started to feel hot, a heavy blush coating your faces. I tightening sensation was beginning to cause tension in your abdomen. "I-I think I'm going to-"

     "Me too." He interrupted, thrusting faster.

     You felt extremely hot, you could just feel the heat radiating off of you. The tight feeling in your abdomen released, giving you pulses of pleasure. Your teal genetic material mixing with Kankri's red, some dripping into your nook, the rest onto your bed.

     "I really must thank 'Strider'" Kankri muttered.

     "Yeah." You giggled. "Do you want to take a shower?" You asked him.

     "That would be a great idea. Just, not together quite yet." He blushed again.

     "Yeah. I have two."You giggled.

Well, I hope you all enjoyed my first lemon.. let me know if you want more included in this story, I'll try my best, I guess. Well, I'll put out chapter eight asap! Thanks for reading!

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