Chapter 13

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As you laid in darkness, you kept thinking: "why me?" Why were you chosen to replace the matesprit of your moirail? Just the thought of it twisted your stomach. You missed Tavros. He always had such a sweet personality and his timid nature was adorable. But he was dead, killed by someone, no one knows who. It was unfortunate, but it no longer mattered. They, and everything else, were about to be destroyed in a horrible manor.

You can't help but wonder what you would have done if you knew who killed him. You would be angry. But, would you do anything? Probably not. You guessed it would depend on who the culprit was.

But now it didn't matter. Nothing really did anymore. It was grim to think, but technically it was true. Your reputation on Alturnia didn't matter. You only had to worry about the future and your friends. And the "humans" that you were apparently going to meet.

A small sigh escaped your lungs as you sat up, darkness still surrounding you. There was no point in laying there if you weren't going to sleep. You could only wait for your turn to enter the game.

The method you were all entering was simple. One would start the server and get their player in. As soon as the game was started by the server, they would send a message to the next server, telling them to start up their game and get their player in. And, once in the game, the player will then start up their server. there would be no screwing around. It was essential to move quickly as to not kill the last player entering the game with meteors. Especially now that there were twenty four players.

Thinking about this brought your mind to the list that Karkat told you. The was that it worked was that the person in front would serve the next on the list, no matter what was going on with the other players. The point of the list was to be able to find your name and then look at the next to see who you would serve.

You weren't exactly sure what you'll be doing. You're just supposed to follow what Kankri did to get you in the game. You looked at the clock. It was 5:00 am. Time to start things up. you called Gamzee .

"HeY mOtHeRfUcKeR wHaT iS aLl AnD uP?" You heard the voice of your moirail.

"It's time to start the game Gamzee. Get Karkat in the game alright?" You told him.

"OkAy. FiLe OpEn AnD kArKaT vIsAbLe." he honked. "CaLl SoLbRo WhIlE i GeT kArBrO sTaRtEd OkAy?"

"Alright. Good luck. I'll talk to you when it's my turn to serve."

"OkAy SiS." he hung up with a cute little honk.

You dialed Sollux's number and waited for him to answer.


"It's your turn. Gamzee is getting in Karkat."

"Alriight thank2. Bye." he hung up.

"Well that was a pleasant conversation." You mumbled to yourself. You stood up and decided to get dressed. You needed to take a shower BEFORE the game started. Who knows what madness might go down.

You got together your new outfit and some new undergarments. You set them on the toilet along with your towel. You took off your pajamas and stepped in the hot shower.

After fully cleansing yourself, you stepped out of the shower and dried off. Then you put your clothes on, like any normal troll. You blow dry your hair and get ready completely. You checked the time again to find that it was 6:30. You guess that time flies when you're singing in the shower.

You had no idea what was going on with the others right now. Unless you called someone, you would have no way of knowing. And calling someone could waste time if they happened to be playing. You decided to read until Kankri called you to get you in the game.

The book that you happened to pick up was on survival. How ironic. You chuckled and opened the book, flipping through the pages. you didn't know anything about where you were going to be, so nothing in the book could help much. You wondered what kind of environment you would be put into. You pondered ways to get water in various places. The desert, a forest, a tundra, a grassy plane, anywhere.

After awhile you felt a vibration in your pocket. It was a text from Kankri.

"_______, I'm g9ing t9 have t9 ask y9u t9 get up. It is y9ur turn t9 enter the game. I have it all set up. Where shall I place the T9tem Lathe?"

"Make a new floor and put everything there." You texted back.

Out of nowhere, stairs appeared in your room. "Please pr9ceed up the stairs." Kankri texted you.

You went upstairs to the roof to find the Totem Lathe. You sat on the top step while you waited for everything else to be placed. You watched him place the cruxtruder, then the alchemiter. You took out your scythe and hit the cruxtruder, opening it and deploying the unprototyped kernalsprite. You put your scythe back in your specibus and hulled your lusus out of your modus. The kernal started to glow and then it looked similar to your lusus. You then threw in a marshmallow, just to make the boss easier to beat. Now your sprite was just a gooey snake. You giggled and hugged it anyway, then you moved on. You grab the cruxite dowel and put it in the Alchemiter. Kankri then deployed the pre punched card in front of you. you picked it up. You then noticed that the alchemiter scanned the cruxite dowel.

You made three perfectly generic objects to test the alchemiter. You smiled and moved the cruxite dowel to the Totem Lathe. You insert the pre punched card and watched the Totem Lathe carve the cruxite dowel. You take the cruxite to the alchemiter and it made a blue apple.

You took a deep breath and bit into it, then everything outside of your property disintegrated into nothing. Pixels began to appear in the space that your neighborhood was. They were all grey, green, teal, and blue. A flash of light made you close your eyes.

When you opened your eyes, you were in a beautiful cave with a grassy open space. Rainbow crystals and gems lined. The cave walls, and a waterfall of perfectly clear water let into a moderately small pool. The pool had white sand around it. the more you looked around at the natural beauty, the more it reminded you of your secret cave back at home.

You shook your head and went over to your computer. You opened the server program to see Gamzee napping. The sky was red and you knew that you needed to hurry.

You hurried and placed everything but the cruxtruder. You then called Gamzee. You watched him wake up to see everything. You placed the cruxtruder and he immediately broke it open. he programmed his kernalsprite with his lusus and a merciful messiah doll he had lying around. He grabbed the cruxite dowel and shoved it in the Totem Lathe. He stuck in the pre punched card that you placed on the ground and the Totem Lathe carved the cruxite dowel. He ripped the dowel from the Totem Lathe and ran to the Alchemiter. Gamzee placed the carved dowel in the Alchemiter and it made a blue Faygo, which confused you. He took a drink and you lost connection with him for a minute.

When you regained connection, he was on his planet. When he gave you a thumbs up, you smiled and opened up a memo for everyone who is supposed to be playing.

chumHandle created a memo
chumHandle named memo "mass message"

PCH: Hey everyone! Is everyone on their planet?


PCM: Karkat what have I t9ld y9u a69ut using tags?


PCH: Guys this memo isn't for casual conversation it's for important matters concerning everyone.

PCM: I ap9l9gize

PTA: Everyone ii2 good _______

PCH: Thank you Sollux

PTA: No problem

You minimized the memo and got up. You sighed and decided that it was time to go explore.

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