Chapter 16

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Now, it's time for you to look for your denizen. How does one go about doing that? By looking around and asking the locals.

You sighed and opened your door, quietly making your way out. You walked back to the town.

"She's back! The hero has returned!" You heard. Your senses were overloading, so many colors.

"I need to see the denizen." You said.

"Elder! Where's the elder?"

"I'm here."

"I need to see the denizen." You said again.

"You need to get us out of here first."

"Why?" You asked.

The elder looked up at you. "Its castle is on the surface."

"That's just great." You mumbled.

"Why must you see the denizen?" The elder asked. "If it is such a problem, then just use your powers and take us all to the surface."

"I can't." with those words everyone gasped.

"Why not?"

"The reason I need to see the denizen is to learn how to use my powers." You admitted.

The group around you started whispering to each other. "What do you mean you can't use your powers?" A young salamander asked you, tugging on your tunic.

"Well, I can, I just don't know how to control them." You said.

"But you're supposed to save us." It said. You determined that it was a she.

"I know." You said, sighing. "But I can't right now."

An older member of the salamander village fought through the crowd. "How can we help?"

"I-I don't know. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do. I'm new to this whole hero thing." You said.

"What even are your powers? Do you even have any?" A salamander from the back of the group yelled, it's voice was angry.

"I can see where a person has been through the form of colorful smoke." You said. You were getting tired of explaining it. "But right now I see everything. All of them, from everyone, all the time."

"Oh." It paused. "Well, how's that supposed to help us?" The angry voice called out with renewed fire.

"Oh, I don't know, by finding your ancestor's streams and following them out of the cave?" You yelled back.

"Oh." It seemed that you put out the fire.

The crowd started to disburse, small yellow salamanders walking away in a sea of colors. It made your eyes hurt. Only a small group remained.

"How can we help?" One of them said. "Yeah, we wanna help you!" You felt another tug at your tunic and found the same little salamander. "I wanna help too."

"I told you, I have no idea." You said.

"Well then we can figure it out together." One said and the rest nodded.

"Is there somewhere that we won't be disturbed?" You asked.

"Yeah, follow me!" The little salamander at your legs started running. It wasn't very fast, maybe it was more like hobbling. In any case, you walked behind her, the rest of the salamanders who stayed were behind you.

After walking for awhile, everyone stopped at a big open cavern. The crystals lit the room and you smiled. Almost no one has been in here. "Is this okay?" The little salamander asked.

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