Chapter 15

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When you woke up, you weren't on your quest bed. You awoke in a room that resembled your respite block, but everything was gold. You had no idea what to do. It seemed like no one had been in the room besides you since it was built.

Finally it hit you. You were on prospit. you looked down to see that you were wearing blue pajamas. You decided to lay back down so that you could wake up.

When you awoke on your quest bed, your dagger was beside you, your wound was fully healed, and your back hurt like hell. You capchaloged your dagger and stood up. You found that you were wearing the outfit that your dream self was wearing

"So you are the hero." The salamanders around you stared with wonder. "Does that mean you'll help us?"

"Of course!" You giggled.

When you looked around, you could see streams of smoke. Some were more prominent than others, and they were all different colors. You blinked and rubbed your eyes, hoping that the streams would go away, but they stayed.

As some salamanders walked around, you could see that each salamander made a stream, and each salamander had a unique color. You got up and ignored everything else around you as you walked back to your hive, a frown on your face.  You could hear the voices around you, cheering that the hero has arrived, but you ignored them all. Some tried to follow you, but others soon got the hint. You closed the door to your hive softly, being careful not to crush a salamander.

You took out your laptop and trolled Kankri.

chumHandle started trolling civilMartyr

CH: Kankri are you busy?

CM: N9.

CM: I am simply making myself m9re suita6le weap9ns. Is there s9mething wr9ng?

CH: I don't know.

CH: I just ascended to God tier. 

CH: There's all these clouds of smoke and they're all different colors and the consorts here make them when they walk. I didn't see them before, but now I do and I want them to go away. It looks like there's even one in my house.

CM: _______ calm d9wn please. I 6elieve that th9se are y9ur p9wers.

CM: If y9u d9n't mind, I'll l99k 9n my server pr9gram. I'll help y9u get this all s9rted 9ut.

CH: Okay..

CM: 9h! Y9u're a seer 9f breath! That's quite nice!

CH: Quite nice? I'm going to go crazy Kankri!

CM: Alright, please, calm d9wn. Y9u just need t9 learn t9 use y9ur p9wers.

CH: And how do I do that?

CM: Y9u exp9se y9urself t9 the 9utside w9rld and try t9 f9cus 9n getting rid 9f what y9u d9n't want t9 see. I 6elieve that y9u sh9uld see Gamzee 9r Kanaya a69ut this. I d9n't kn9w h9w t9 help y9u. I ap9l9gize. I feel like I'm failing as a matesprite.

CH: No, Kankri, it's fine. I swear. Now, I'm a seer of breath you said?

CM: Yes. I advise seeing Aranea f9r an explinati9n. 

CH: Okay. I'll talk to her now. Thank you, by the way.

CM: N9 pr96lem. 6ut, if y9u d9n't mind telling me, I am n9t sure what I'm 6eing thanked f9r.

CH: You calmed me down a lot, Kankri. Talking to you always seems to have that effect on me.

CM: 9h, why thank y9u! 

CH: Okay well, I'm going to talk to Aranea. 

CM: Alright. I will see y9u later.

chumHandle stopped trolling civilMartyr

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