Chapter 14

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You have decided that it is time to explore your new planet. You stepped outside, assuring that your door closed. You took a deep breath. The air was clean, unlike the polluted air of home.

You walked over to the pond. White sand was under your feet. You could see through to the bottom of the pool. Small fish swam in the water, the only hint of life you could find.

You walked around and found a path. You followed it and at the end was a small town filled with little salamanders. You decided to talk to them.

"Hello?" You approached one.

"Who are you?" It asked.

"I'm _______." You smiled.

"You look funny." It said.

You giggled. "I suppose I do."

"Why are you here?" It questioned.

"I'm here because my world ended."

"That sounds like the story of our hero!" It giggled.

"Well I don't know the story. Could you share it with me?"

"The story goes like this. One day a hero that knows where people have gone and where they will and should go will turn up, not knowing her power. Then she will visit the shrine and perform a ritual that will awaken her powers! She will adorn the blues of the caves and allow us all to return to the surface of our planet!"

"That's... quite a legend." You sighed.

"I hope she comes soon." The salamander said.

"I hope so too." You smiled and moved to the next one.

"You're pretty." It giggled.

"Thank you! You're looking fine yourself!" A warm smile grew on your face. "Could you tell me where I am?"

"You're in the land of Grass and Caves!" It cheered.

"Grass?" You asked.

"Well the grass is on the surface. We all came down here one day and we can't find our way back. We decided that it would be easier to wait for our hero to help us back." It told you.

"How long have you need down here?" You asked.

"Thousands of years." It laughed. "The elders haven't even seen the surface."

"That's terrible!"

"It's all we've ever known." It sighed. "I hope the hero can help."

You smiled and walked away. "I have to find my quest bed." You mumbled.

You wandered around for awhile before a salamander stopped you.

"Do you know where you're going?" It asked, sounding slightly concerned.

"No." You smiled.

"Where do you want to go?"

"The hero's shrine." You said.

"Follow that path." It pointed to a path of white sand.

"Thank you!" You turned and followed the path.

It seemed like you were walking forever. You watched the world around you. The caves were just like the ones that you thought you'd never see again. Eventually you saw four posts on top of a hill. You smiled and ran to the top.

"And WHO are YOU?" A group of salamanders stood at the top of the hill, seemingly guarding it.

You cleared your throat. "I am the hero."

"I doubt that prove it." One said.

"Do you know the ritual?" You asked.

"Yes and we are the few who do." One replied.

"Then let me pass and I'll do it."

"There's no harm in letting you try." They all mumbled, letting you pass.

You walked onto the stone slab of a bed. You got the dagger out of your modus. You took a deep breath and stuck the dagger through your heart.

You laid down as you bled out. You could feel your pulse in your think pan, and it was slowing. The crystals above you were blurring and the light they have off was fading. Your breath slowed to a stop and your consciousness broke. You had died.

"Do you think it's the one?" One of the salamanders asked.

"We'll have to wait and see if she wakes up." Another replied.

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