Chapter 6

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     You sat on your couch with Kankri, not knowing whether you should cry or squeal. He was currently giving a lecture on the high blood line. You asked about it to maybe find out more about Gamzee's situation.

     There was a knock on your door. Kankri looked at the door. "Oh, I didn't know you were expecting someone, _______."

     "I wasn't." You said, a confused look adorning your features. You got up and walked to the door. "Who's there?"

     "Uhh,,, Tavros," You heard. You opened the door to see a troll in a wheel chair.

     You never really had an independent conversation with Tavros. Any time you saw him, it was because Gamzee brought him along. It wasn't that you didn't like him, Tavros was a fine troll, it was just that you never had any reason to get together.

     "I'm guessing that you heard." You said grimly.

     "I did,,, are you okay?" He asked.

     "I should be asking you!" You said. "He was your matesprit!"

     "Yeah, but he was your moirail." He whispered.

     "Whatever. Anyway, come in!" A weak smile formed in your lips. "Tavros, this is Kankri, Kankri this is Tavros."

     "Oh, I didn't mean to interrupt anything by coming." Tavros said.

     "It's fine, you can join us." You said sitting down. "Kankri was giving a nice lecture on the high bloods."

     "Specifically, their mental history." Kankri clarified.

     "Uhh,,, okay." Tavros fixed himself in his wheelchair.

     "I wanna see if there's a way that we can help Gamzee get better." You whispered.

     "And I do too." Kankri smiled. "That is why we're analyzing my knowledge and combining it with her personal experiences, and now yours, too."

     "Okay. I'm,,, uhh, I'm glad that I can help." Tavros's voice shook. "Inn ready.

     "First, do you have any triggers?" Kankri asked.

     "No, I'll be fine." He replied, slightly confused.

     "Alright then, let's start this. Again." Kankri started, his lectures taking your attention from the troll in the wheelchair.

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