Chapter 2

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     You sigh as you get up, rubbing your eyes. Time to deal with that text. You thought, reaching for your phone. Surprise! It was your bitch, Vriska. You didn't know why she hated you so much, you only wanted to be friends with her. And your blood color isn't even all that different, either.

     [From: Vriksa

To: _______

      Hey bitch! I figured that I would give you a little talk 8efore you went to bed! ::::) You know that no one likes you, right? No one needs you, and if you died in your sleep tonight, no one would care! And do you know why? It's 8ecause you're ugly and annoying. Just thought that I'd remind your sorry ass!]

     Well wasn't that pleasant. You thought, glad that you didn't check it. It would have ruined your day.

     [To: Vriska

From: _______

     I don't get why you do this to me. I never did anything to you. I just want to be friends.]

     You took a deep breath and sent the text. You'll have to deal with her all day now.

     You got out of your covers, a chill running through your body. You sit on the edge of your bed and rub your eyes. Standing up, you stretch, your back giving a satisfying crack.

     Taking a trip to your dresser you pull out grey skinny jeans and then some teal undergarments. You walk over to your closet and pull out one of your long sleeve shirts with a swirling teal pattern on it. It was an interesting sign, but you liked it.

     You bring them into the bathroom and set them down, undressing and getting in the shower. The warm water really woke you up as it ran down your body. You closed your eyes and smiled as you took your shower, all of your worries washing away with the bubbles.

     When you were done, you shut off the water and dried off, then put on your clothes. Then, you brushed your teeth and did your hair. You smiled at yourself in the mirror. Your horns arching back like a ram's, long and prideful.

     You walk out of the bathroom and you go downstairs, getting another text.

     [From: Vriska

To: _______

     Oh, you wanna 8e friends? Why didn't you just say so! So 8e a good friend and tell me, what are you doing today?]

     You sigh, typing out a reply.

     [From: _______

To: Vriska

     I don't have any plans.]

     You kept the text short, hoping that she wouldn't try to meet up with you. Yeah, you wanna be friends, but you don't really trust her.

     You walk to the kitchen and your lusus slithers up the stairs and approaches you, curling around you in affection. Or hunger, you could never tell.

     You step over her and giggle, walking over to the toaster. You pop in some bread and push it down when you got another text.

     [From: Vriska


     Well, now you have plans friend! See how great of a friend I am? I'm saving you from your old ugly 8oring self. You're going to meet me in the park in two hours! Don't 8e l8!]

     You sigh and agree to meet her, why not. She was mean, not evil. You grab your toast and head on your way. Just because you had two hours didn' mean that you couldn't enjoy the time and walk beforehand.

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