Chapter 5

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     You sighed, sitting on your couch with a book. You were still upset about what happened with Kankri, even if it was a week ago. It crushed you knowing that he didn't feel the same about you as you did him.

     The more you thought about it, the closer you came to crying again. A small sob wracked your body and you closed your book. You stood up and grabbed your jacket- it was time to take a walk.

     You didn't know where you would go, maybe the faygo bar. But nowhere really appealed to you. Everywhere felt the same, and you always felt the same- hollow.

     Gamzee had been taking care of you. You even tried his pies. You admit, they are good, but you had such a bad hangover when their effect wore off. You also learned that Gamzee could make some mean nachos.

     Speaking of Gamzee, you were approaching the lovable clown's hive. You looked at the familiar structure and saw your moirail on the front porch. You smiled and waved at him, but as you got closer your smile faded.

     Gamzee's white face paint was smudged and his eyes were red. He was frowning until he noticed you. A smile cracked upon his face and he waved back, then ran. Not in your direction, but into the wooded area behind his house.

     You stood there in shock, fresh tears staining your cheeks. Your moirail had gone sober.

     He had warned you about this when you first met in real life. The memories flashed through your mind. He told you that he gets violent and he hurts people, even kills them.

     You didn't have the slightest idea what you would do, but for now, you're going to the park. You haven't been there since the incident with Vriska, so the chances of Gamzee finding you there are low.

     You took up a slow jog, holding back sobs that wracked your body. Your chest felt tight, but you kept going.

     When you got to the park you sat on a bench and cried. Your teal tears wetting your hands as you tried to cover your face.

     "_______?" You heard a familiar voice. Looking up, you saw that it was Kankri going on his midday walk.

     "Yes?" Venom laced your words, pain filling every fiber of your body.

     "Why are you crying? Shall I call Gamzee?" He said, taking it his phone.

     "No! He's the problem!" You yelled, then instantly covered your mouth, eyes widening. "Oh, Kankri, I'm so sorry I yelled, I-"

     "Nonsense, it's pardoned." He started at you in a bit of shock. "Now tell me, what's the problem?"

     "Gamzee's gone sober." You whispered, fresh tears leaking from your eyes.

     "Oh dear, but that definitely isn't good!" Kankri gasped. He hesitantly lifted you into a standing position, then pulled you into a hug.

     "Kankri, your personal space-" you began, recalling his thing with his personal bubble.

     "About that. I thought about your... offer, shall I put it?" He whispered into your ear, making you remember the kiss that spun you into hell. "I realized- I would love to be your matesprit."

     A bright teal blush burned on your tear stained cheeks. You held the troll closer in your embrace.

     In this tender moment, something that you didn't notice, was a small smirk dancing on Kankri'slips, and a triumphant look sparked in his eyes.

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