Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to kankri_vantas69 on ig

You sat on your bed, thinking. When you looked around, everything was just fine, normal. But, in not long, you knew that everything would start to fall apart. You learned that it was starting to be decided who was pairing up with who.

You and Kankri decided that he would be your server player, and you would serve Gamzee. And, to give the two of you more time to search for him, you would be the last ones to enter the game.

Unlike the times before this, everyone knew what to do. Except for you. You guessed that you were just the one that was going to fill in for Tavros, taking his place. Maybe that was one of the ways that this timeline was preparing your session.

In any case, you decided that while looking for Gamzee, you would also look for clues about your ancestor. You were now the only troll in your session who didn't have an idea of who it was.

Vriska also introduced you to John. He was a funny lad. A human, but, still pretty cool. He said that he would help brainstorm if you found any clues. He was an interesting creature, but one that was warming you up to their species.

Now it's now, and you're walking along a path in the wooded area behind Gamzee's hive. You saw something shine in the distance, so you ran to it. It was a discarded pie tin. Your eyes widened.

"Gamzee!" You yelled out. You saw movement in a bush. "Gamzee is that you?"

"D-DoN't CoMe AnY cLoSeR sIs." He said, his voice shaking. "He'Ll HuRt Me AgAiN."

"Who hurt you Gamzee?" Your eyes softened and he stood up.

"A mAn ThAt I cAn'T tElL yOu AbOuT. I pRoMiSeD." He stepped away as you stepped forward.

"Why, Gamzee? I-I've been searching for you. So has Kankri! And- Tavros looked too." A single tear rolled down your cheek.

"WhAt HaPpEnEd To TaVbRo?" Gamzee asked carefully.

"You don't know? But, we thought you- wait. I don't get it. Tavros was killed. We all thought that you did it because you went sober." You explained.

"He'S dEaD?" A look of shock crossed your moirail's face. "WhAt MoThErFuCkEr Did iT?"

"We thought it was you."

"No-I- I dIdN't KiLl AnYoNe. I'vE hAd PlEnTy Of SoPor.." He began to cry, so you ran up and hugged him.

"Gamzee, there's something else I have to tell you." You looked down.

"WhAt Is It SiS?" He asked, his years staining your shoulder.

"Kankri is my matesprit." You took a deep breath. "And we found sgrub."

You could feel him freeze. "SgRuB? HoW dO yOu KnOw AbOuT tHaT?" He asked.

"Kankri explained it all. He'S going to be my server player, and I'll be yours. And you have to go in last. We're starting it all in a week, so we're preparing all we can before the game starts." You explained.

"AlRiGhT sIs." He said quietly. "LeT's Go. I hAvE sOmEtHiNg To ShOw YoU." He broke away and led you back to his hive. He pulled up a tile and lifted a wooden box covered with a teal cloth from the hole. "I wAs GiVeN tHiS bOx FrOm My LuSuS. It WaS gIvEn To HiM fRoM a LiL mAmA nAmEd ThE ApPrIsEd."

"The informed.." You muttered, the meaning of the name sinking in.

"YeAh SiS. I tHiNk It WaS aLl Up AnD mEaNt FoR yOu." Gamzee handed you the box and smiled.

"Thank you Gamzee, this means a lot to me." You hugged your moirail then took the tattered cloth off to reveal the glossy varnish on the box. It actually looked quite beautifly crafted. And, on the lid of the box, the symbol that you had worn your whole life was burned into the warm cherry wood. You smiled even wider and recovered the box. "Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you!" You squealed and hugged Gamzee yet again.

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