Chapter 28 :{) - THIS is the Final Chapter :D

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  • Dedicated to Kendall Schmidt @heffrondrive

Author's note: HELLOO!! So, I'm gonna add another chapter to this story cos the ending SUCKED!! I know it, you know it, EVERYONE KNOWS IT SUCKED!! haha :D So, maybe, just maybe, this could be a better ending to a popular story :D 

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As soon as I get home, I hang up the painting of Ellen, in the basement. I take a picture of it and tweet it to her. I'm sure she'll be very proud of me. I walk back up stairs into my room and open my wardrobe. Inside, there's a shrine to Nathalie. There are many pictures of her laughing, smiling, frowning. She's the cutest thing ever. I still can't help but blame myself for this. Why can't I just forget this whole thing?! Why can't she still be here? As these thoughts run through my mind, the tears fall out. I don't hold back. I sit beside the shrine and put my head on my legs as my tears stain my jeans. 

"Kendall?" A voice yells from the entrance.

"Nathalie?" I say. I'm not crazy, okay? It seriously does sound like her. 

"Uh, no. It's just me, Bridgit," She yells back as she makes her way to my room. I don't respond. Instead I mentally attack myself for being so dumb and thinking that it was Nathalie.

Bridgit walks into my room and asks, "Are you okay Kendall?"  

"Oh, sorry Bridge! Hi, how are you?" I ask as I quickly jump off the floor and close my wardrobe. No one, yet, knows about my shrine to Nat. 

"I'm fine. I'm actually here to hang out with you," She says, curious as to why I shut my wardrobe

"Oh, uh cool," I say, regaining my self, "What did you have in mind?"

"Um... maybe we could see a movie? I thought it might be useful for you to take your mind off what today is," She offers.

"Thank you, Bridge. It means a lot that you actually remember what today marks! I don't think anyone really remembers," I say.

"It's alright. So, how are you doing?" She asks.

"I'm fine," I reply, but get a weird look back from Bridgit, "Ok, so I'm not doing too well but how else would you expect me to feel? From two years ago today, I saw my girlfriend get rammed into by a truck! I was there when she died on the hospital bed! Am I supposed to be happy now?" I say with my voice getting louder and sharper as my 'speech' went on.

"I-I'm actually really busy today," Bridgit stutters out.

"No, please don't go! I'm really sorry, I am. I've been holding that in for ages and I just needed to get it out," the tears begin falling again, "I've always been telling myself that it's my fault that she died. It is completely my fault. I should've done something. I feel terrible and I just need someone who will help keep my mind off of it. You're the only one who keeps my mind off of N-a-- her. I need you around," I spit out. I can't even say her name aloud anymore. It's tearing me apart. 

"Ok, then what are we waiting for? Let's head to the movies!" She reaches out her hand and drags me out of my room. 

We end up watching Pitch Perfect, which is hilarious! It definitely kept my mind off Nathalie. I bet she would've loved it! She loved to sing and to laugh so this probably would've been a perfect movie for her. 

Afterwards, we head off to grab some fro-yo and talk about our careers. Really, there's nothing else to talk about without heading into the direction of Nathalie. That just brings awkward silence until someone offers up a different topic. 

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