Chapter 15 :{)

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Author's Note: Okay, so I know I said that the last chapter was the last chapter but, tbh, it SUCKED!!! So, this is gonna be the last or second or third or maybe fourth last chapter :) I really hope you like it :) 

BTW, I'm sooooo annoyed Jo came back! But I'm also really happy cos I love Jo and Kendall together but Kendall just asked Lucy out!! GRRRRR!! I'm feeling conflicted!!!!! 

I chose the song Intermission for this chapter because I LOVE the song! It has nothing to do with the content of this chapter unless you wanna somehow relate it :) 

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One Year Later...........

It's been a year since I was offered the one episode gig on Big Time Rush and, let me tell you, it was incredible! The episode was a hit! My life has changed, kind of. Actually, not really but I guess it's just odd seeing yourself on tv. 

Today is just a usual (idk if it's 'a usual' or 'an usual' hmmm...) day. I'll be going to uni in about an hour. It's actually pretty fun and exciting. I started about three months after the filming of my Big Time Rush episode finished. Let me say that again, my Big Time Rush episode, my!!!!! I can't get over that!! Well, it's not exactly my episode but you know. Every time I think about it, a huge smile beams across my face from ear to ear. Of course everyone thinks I look stupid when it randomly happens but I don't care. Okay, fine, I sort of do care! But that's because I HATE it when people stare at me like I'm a freak, which I've often be called by my cousins. I grab my bag from the couch and walk outside where I see Kendall waiting. 

"Hey sweety!" Kendall calls from across the street as I walk out my front door.

"Hey Randall!" I shout back, knowing he hates it. 

"Ha ha! Very funny!" He sarcastically says, opening my door.

"I know!" I reply getting into the car, "Thanks so much for driving me to Uni. I really appreciate it."

"It's fine! I love wasting time and getting to Paramount late!" He says. We drive for about forty minutes until we reach the drop-off zone in the uni. 

"See ya later!" I say, giving him a peck.

"I'll pick you up at four o'clock?" He asks.

"Sounds great! Byeee!" I say and jump out of the car. 

The day goes by soooooooooooooooooooooo slowly. The amount of "o"'s I put after "s" just reinstates how slowly it had gone by. But now it's 3:45pm so I grab a hot chocolate from the cafeteria and wait out side for Kendall to come by with the car. My phone buzzes and I pick it up expecting it to be Kendall saying that he's almost here. It is Kendall but not with the message I was expecting.

Kendall: Hey Nat. There's been sum trouble at work, so i called your mom, sorry mum, to come and get u. Sorry but I'll come around tonight. luv u, K xoxo

Me: Hey. I hope everything's ok! Thanx for calling my mum :) cya later. Luv u more, N xoxoxoxoxoxo

So now I'm worrying about Kendall. I hope he's ok. What if the 'trouble' is about James or Carlos or Logan or Katelyn or Erin or.... SOMEONE!!!!!! Maybe the 'trouble' is simply something to do with the special effects or something. I hope it's not bad. It can't be bad. Maybe my mum knows what's happened since Kendall did call her. He must've explained everything to her. Hopefully. My mum's car comes around the corner and stops in front of me. Her eyes are red and puffy, like she's been crying. 

"Mum? Are you okay?  Do you want me to drive?" I ask, clearly concerned.

"Um, yeah I'm fine. How was your day?" She replies between sniffles. 

"It was crap, like always. Look, mum, Kendall said he had some trouble at work, is everything okay there? Did he tell you?" I ask.

"He told me what happened," She says, averting her gaze away from me.

"Can you tell me, please?" I plead.

"There is no easy way to say this," Tears spill from her eyes, "Dad was run over by a car. He was walking across the road to his car and this maniac came out of nowhere," I can tells she's trying her hardest to hold herself together, but it's not working.

"Is... Is... Is he de-- okay?" I ask. I'm afraid to hear what next comes out of her mouth but I have no choice. I need to know.

"He's gone," is all she simply replies with. Now it's my turn to turn the taps on and let the waterworks begin. I cover my face with my hands, begging myself to stay strong for my mum. If she's the wreck, then I need to be strong. There has to be one person in a family to be the glue. If we're both wrecks then life's going to go downhill fast. We make it home as soon as Kendall arrives. I run out of the car and run into his arms. I need his strong embrace to protect me. To hold me and tell me everything's going to be okay. 

"I'm sorry," Kendall whispers into my ear as my cries dampen his shirt. He pulls me in tighter. 

"This is probably a lot to ask, but can you please stay over tonight?" I muffle into his shoulder. 

"Of course I will. I will stay for as long as you want," He says compassionately. 

"Thank you," I reply. We walk inside and order some pizza for dinner. I don't see my mum for the rest of the evening although I can hear her sobs quite clearly through the ceiling from the downstairs lounge room. 

"I think it's probably time that you go to bed," Kendall says.

"You're right. But I don't want to," I say.

"Try and get some sleep. You'll feel better after a good night's rest," He says.

"Promise?" I ask.

"Yes. I'll be down here on the couch if you need me," 

"Wait, you can't sleep on the couch! Sleep in the spare room, please," 

"Okay, let's go," He leads me upstairs and brings the brand new box of tissues that I've almost finished. I go to my room, and he goes to the spare room. I can hear my mum crying from the next room. It's crazy. This morning, my mum was so happy and cheerful. My dad was also happy, the happiest I'd ever seen him. To think that such a happy morning can go to a devastating night is impossible, well at least I used to think it'd be impossible. Now, I know that nothing's impossible. I try to sleep but it's way harder than I thought. I feel like I've been trying for at least an hour but I doubt it. I creep into the spare room.

"Kendall?" I whisper.

"Nathalie? Are you okay?" He asks, "Was I snoring to loudly?"

"No, you weren't snoring," I reply as he lets out a 'phew'.

"Then what's up?" 

"I can't sleep. I'm scared, sad. I don't want him to be gone," I say through new tears. 

"Come here," he says as he makes room in his bed. I sit next to him and lay my head on his chest as he wraps his arms around me. My tears drip down my face and onto his shirt. "Everything's going to be okay Nat. Life may get tougher, but it'll be okay. Trust me," 

"I hope you're right. Who was driving the car?" I ask. If I'm going to get answers, it'll be from Kendall not from my mum.

"No one knows. Apparently, it was a guy who was denied access into Paramount because he had no ticket. He must've gotten mad and rammed down the boom gates,"

"What an asshole! Who the hell would do that?!!" I yell in a soft voice as to not wake my mum up. 

"Don't worry. The police are looking for him. Now try and get some sleep because tomorrow you and your mum have some planning to do. You have to stay strong for your mum. If she sees you being amazingly calm, then she may do the same," He says. I nod in response and try to get some much needed sleep. 

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