Chapter 22 :{)

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Author's Note: Okay, so this chapter seems really really really short! But, hopefully, the next chapter is more awesome! :D 

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"Hey darling!" My mum greets me as I get into the car, "How was the sleepover?"

"It was just like the old days. I never realised how much I missed home," I reply. 

"I bet you miss America just as much as you missed here," She says. I have a feeling this is going somewhere. 

"Uh. yeah. I miss L.A. sooo much!" I say.

"Look, Nathalie," She slowly says. Yep, this is going somewhere. 

"Before you continue, I have to say that it was not my fault! Please believe me! Don't worry about what the person said because I. Did. Nothing!!" I spill out. Yes, I had no idea what she was going to say. And yes, I did nothing wrong. I don't think I did anything too disastrous in L.A. Well, I hope not.

"Hang on, what wasn't your fault? Cos know I'm starting to think that it was your fault," She says.

"Nothing. I just wanted to stick up for myself before you assume something," I smile.

"Oh ok! Ppphhhheeeewww!!" She replies, " Anyway... There's something really important I need to ask you,"

"Go ahead," I say.

"You would be upset if I wasn't around anymore?" She asks.

"What's wrong, mum? Are you sick? Please, don't leave me!" I'm really worried now. I just lost my dad and now my mum?! 

"Nothing's wrong with me! I'm perfectly fine, at least for now. Haha! What I mean is that I wanted to know how you'd cope if I was on the other side of the world from you. If we lived in different houses, in different streets," My mum says. 

"Are you saying that you're leaving the country or something? I honestly don't know how'd I cope, but I would miss you, a lot!" I reply.

"What I'm saying is that I heard you talking to Kendall yesterday, about how much you really want to go to America but I'm holding you back. I just want you to know that I'd be really happy for you if you went back. Of course I'd miss you, but I feel that you need to experience the world for yourself," She says. 

"Am I hearing correctly?! You don't mind if I go to live in America?" I ask.

"You're hearing perfectly!" She says. 

"Oh. My. Gosh!!!!!!! I would love love love love to go back!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I don't want to go out without you," I say. Well, I kinda wouldn't mind if she didn't come but I want her to know that I do love her.

"You're growing up, Nathalie. You need to be more independent by moving away from me. At least in America you'll have Kendall and all those other friends you made while we were there," She parks the car and gets out.

"Are you sure about this? I mean, this is big," I say as I get out of the car, following her. 

"I'm sure," She says. Once we reach the kitchen, there's an envelope on the bench. My mum passes it over to me. My mum walks away, while I open it up. Inside is a note, written by my father.

It reads:

Nathalie, this is for you. Use this ticket to get anywhere you want to go. Your mum and I decided to give you this when we knew you were ready to move away from us. Sorry about my writing, by the way. I'm writing this in the hospital. You'll only be reading this if I don't make, though I plan to be with you for a very long time. Just know that I love you sooo much. Now, don't tell this part to your mother, but I love you MORE than she does. Take care. And remember that I love you a lot. Love from your father xoxoxoxoxoxo

Tears start to fall from my eyes. I'm going to do this. My parents believe in me, I believe in me. I call up the airline and choose the flight to leave next week. This is happening. I'm going back to America. It's going to be good but also bad for obvious reasons. Everything's set and ready for next Friday. 

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