Chapter 6 :{)

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello Reader :) I really hope you're enjoying this story. Please comment below if you want me to end while Kendall and Nathalie are still dating or when they're married/broken up. I don't know when I should end it so if you leave a comment saying 'Nay' that means you want it to end while they're dating. Comment 'Yay' if you want it to end after they're married/broken up. Thank you! Also, leave comments if you like it :)  I love getting feedback :)

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 After the concert ended, Halston and I were lead up on stage to reach backstage quicker before the VIP fans , sorry, rushers made their way backstage. We find the guys chilling in their room playing Call of Duty. Once we walk in, Kendall drops his controller and gives me a big hug whispering "You were great out there!" 

"Thanks. Even though you promised you wouldn't take up on stage, I still really enjoyed being up there with you. It was amazing. And funny," I reply with a huge smile on my face.

"Yeah, sorry about bringing you up but, I didn't actually promise you that I wouldn't bring you up so, you can't blame me. Also, I got lost in the moment. But I'm glad you enjoyed it!" He laughs. Kendall returns back to the game, which was paused, and Halston and I sit on the armrests, waiting to see who will be killed first. About 10 minutes later, a few rushers are accompanied into the room by security guards. There's this one girl, Hannah, who faints once she notices the guys. They pick her up and lay her down on the couch, getting ready to freak her out, nicely, when she awakes. 

"AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" She screams as her eyes flutter open. Carlos gives her a glass of water. 

"Hi. What's your name?" Carlos asks.

"Um... Hannah," She replies, too starstruck to get the words out of her mouth properly.

"Nice to meet you Hannah. I'm Carlos and this is James, Logan and Kendall," He introduces. 

"I know. It's really cool to meet you guys." She manages to get out. 

"Nah! It's much cooler for us to meet you, and all these other rushers!" James says. A lot of talking, laughing and crying goes on until it's time for the rushers to leave. It was really fun hanging out with them for a couple of hours. They were all so sweet. Once everyone's outside, we say our goodbyes - to the fans, each other. I don't want to say goodbye to Kendall again or to Carlos, James and Logan but that's reality. There are two more weeks left of their tour. Two more weeks without Kendall. I can manage. I think. I give Carlos, James and Logan big hugs but when I get to Kendall, I give him the greatest hug I've ever given. I know it's only two more weeks but it's going to feel like a lifetime. They all head towards Dustin's car, well, it's more like a mini bus. They climb in, one by one, and shut the door behind them. 

"Nathalie?" Halston asks. 

"Yeah?" I reply.

"I came here with Dustin, and they had no room, so could I tag along in your car?" She asks, hopefully.

"Yeah sure! Sounds great!" We both get into my car and drive out of the car park. It's silent the whole way to her house except for the music that blasts through the radio. 

Halston breaks the silence when we're about five minutes away from her home, "So, Nathalie, tell me, did you enjoy the concert?"

"Yeah it was amazing! I loved it. Did you?" I ask.

"I liked it. It was better than I thought," She replies.

"Your tone implies that you didn't thoroughly enjoy it," I say, realising afterwards that I sounded like an smart ass.

"No, don't get me wrong, I loved it. It's just, well, seeing James up there, happy, was something I haven't seen for a really long time. I miss his smile. I only see it when he's acting or performing or in photos. Whenever it's just us, he rarely smiles. I don't know if I did something wrong or if he isn't in love with me anymore," Halston explains, with tears in her eyes.

"Look, Hally, do you love him still?" I ask, trying to get more information.

"I do. I love him so much," She replies.

"I think, once he's back from tour, you should talk to him, privately. Make sure the guys aren't around. Just you and James. Ask him questions that will get answers out of him straight away. Don't ask questions that just beat around the bush. Just be ready to hear the truth," I say. I really want to help but I don't know what other advice to give except for talking. 

"What if he... dumps me?" She asks, sobbing more forcefully.

"Who cares?! Well, what I mean is, he's just one person out of 7 billion people. You can't let him get you down if he dumps you. You're young, beautiful. I'm sure that, if he dumps you, then you'll easily be able to pick up other guys later. Now, I realise this is crap advice but I've never been able to give good advice so don't blame me. You just have to trust that he'll tell you the truth," I say. We arrive at her house. She gets out of the car.

"Thank you. And, you're advice isn't too crap. Hopefully it helps. I'll see you later," Halston says, "Bye!"

"Bye Hally!" I reply. I drive back to my home and dive straight into my bed. I don't have sweet dreams. Instead, my dreams are invaded by Halston and James. Hally crying, talking, questioning. James avoiding her glance, talking, answering. I don't know what to do. Should I even do anything? Yes. I have to do something. They're both my friends and I have to make sure they both completely understand and trust each other. But why isn't James happy with Hally? Whenever we're hanging with everyone, James is always smiling. I'll have to consult with Kendall, Carlos and Logan to see if James smiles a lot with them. Maybe it's not something to do with Hally, maybe it has to with his family or other friends. Maybe it has something to do with social media?? This is the exact reason why I hate sleeping sometimes. My mind goes into ultra speed and thinks too much! I need to talk to the guys but not now. Not when they're on tour. It has to be after. The second they come back. I have to study James' personality. To see how he acts with Hally and without her. But I can't leave Hally in the shadows. I have to tell her my plan. We have to work together to sort all this out before she decides to talk to him. 

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