Chapter 4 :{)

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Author's Note: Hey! I really hope you guys are enjoying this story :) The tour mentioned in this story isn't real, btw. Just thought I'd let you guys know that :) Also, please leave comments if you have suggestions :) Now, onto the story :{)

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 The boys were busy checking their bags in at the airport. The day that I've been dreading has finally arrived. The day that they leave for their two month tour. Kendall comes behind me and wraps his arm around my shoulders after he checked his bags in.  

"It's gonna be hard to forget about you! Remember that!" He says, studying my face. 

"How'd you know that I was thinking about that?" I reply.

"I didn't. I just thought I should remind you, in case you breakdown by day 8," He says.

"Oh OK." I say. 

Before I know it, everyone begins saying their goodbye's to their family and friends who've come to see them off. 

"Well, Nathalie. I guess this is goodbye," Kendall says, "at least for two months!"

"I guess so," I say as he pulls me into a large bear hug. 

"Bye Nathalie. I'm going to miss you," He says, somewhat sadly.

"Bye. I'm going to miss you too," I say, trying hard to hold in my salty tears, desperately wanting to break down the barriers. We hold our hug before Carlos calls Kendall over to the security gate. Kendall whispers goodbye before he makes his way over to the rest of the band. He's about to walk through the security after he took off his shoes, belt and other knick-knacks when he runs back over to me and plants a kiss on my lips. He pulls away, says bye and runs, quickly, back to security. My tears can't take it. They flow continuously, like a water tap. Kevin, Kendall's brother, comes over to me and gives me a hug to comfort me. I'm very sure that the Schmidt family are the BEST huggers ever! My tears don't slow down but having him there makes me feel better. Everyone walks out of the airport but I stay behind, watching their plane take off into the troposphere. I walk out of the airport, get in my car and drive home.

I pull up into the driveway and see my family through the huge window at the front of my house. They couldn't have come at a better time. Seriously. If they weren't here right now, then I'd probably be crying. I don't understand why I'm so upset that Kendall has gone on tour. It doesn't make sense! I didn't cry when I said bye to my family last year, so why am I so upset about not seeing Kendall, who I've only known for a few months? This doesn't make sense. I walk up to the front door, insert my key and walk in. My aunt, uncle, cousin and grandma are here. I run up to them and hug each one of them for a really long time. We exchange greetings and try to out-do each other about who has missed who more. It's quite fun. We all go into the kitchen to have coffee and cakes. We sit and talk about how great America is. Somehow, my family know about Kendall, so of course, they ask about him. I find this hard but I manage to rave about him without becoming teary. They all seem so happy. I play with my younger cousin, Toby, for the majority of the time that they are at our house. He hasn't changed much. I remember, in Australia, as soon as I arrived at his house, he would always want to play with me. It's a really nice thing we do to... bond. We play with his trains a lot. I have a feeling that he loves trains. 

My family end up staying for dinner. We plan that tomorrow, we'll show them around Los Angeles and go to awesome places. During dinner, my phone buzzes. I look at it; it's Kendall. 

"Do you mind if I quickly answer this?" I ask, politely.

"That's fine," My mum replies. I quickly slide to answer my phone as I run to my room.

Kendall's face pops up and I hear Carlos yell "WAAAZZZZZZAAAAAAAAA!!!" I can't help but laugh.

"Hey Nathalie!" Kendall says, also laughing.

"Hey Kendall, Carlos! How's your flight?" I ask.

"It's great! We're about to land in about 20 minutes. How's your day going? Missing me already?" He says.

"My day is great because my family is here from Australia! So that's awesome! And, I'm not missing you... yet," I say. I don't want him to know how much I'm missing him already. He'll probably think I'm crazy. Plus, Carlos is also there so, it's kind of embarrassing. 

"Wow, I'd love to meet them. Did they already leave? As if you're not missing me? Cos I'm missing you soooooo much!!" Kendall says, exaggerating the 'so'.

"Well, they're eating dinner now," I reply.

"So bring your phone in the dining room! I wanna meet them," He says. 

"Uh, seriously?" I ask, disbelieving.

"YES!! Why not?" He queries.

"Because, well, i don't know!  But... yeah. OK, come on!" I say, giving up. I didn't want him to meet my family. I don't know why but it just seems weird. I grudgingly walk into the dining room. "Everyone, this is Kendall. He wants to meet you guys so yeah," 

"Hi!" Kendall says from the phone.

"WAAAAZZZAAAA!!" Carlos yells. Everyone laughs. 

"OK! So this is my cousin, Toby, my aunt, Jane, my uncle, Anthony, and my grandma, Jennette," 

"Hi! Nice to virtually meet you all!" Kendall says. A robotic sounding voice comes from the phone. "Sorry everyone. We're beginning our descent to Chicago. Gotta go!" 

"Bye Kendall!" Everyone says. 

"Bye Kendizzzzle!" I say, "See you guys soon! Good luck on tour!!" 

"Karate Chop!!!!!" Carlos and Logan say.  Before the call ends, I hear laughter. The sweet, funny laughter coming from Big Time Rush. I put my phone away and rejoin my family at the dinner table. 

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