Chapter 23 :{)

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"Nathalie? It's Kevin"

"Oh, hey Kevin! How'd you get my number?" I ask him. 

"Well, Kendall can't pick you up because he's at Paramount working today, so he gave me your number and asked if I could pick you up," He explains.

"Oh yeah! He mentioned that! I forgot!" I say.

"How's the flight?" He asks.

"It's long. And very boring but there's only about an hour to go so I'm excited!" I say.

"That's good, sort of! Haha! Well, I'm on my way to the airport now, so I should get there in time," He says.

"Yay! I'm really excited! Thank you so much!!" I say. We hang up the phone and I resume my movie. I'm watching my favourite, Matilda. I have watched this movie sooooo many times and it never gets old! I love it!! 

We have begun our descent into LAX. Please fasten your seatbelts.

 Once we land, I pull out my phone and quickly text Kevin. I grab my suitcase and go find Kevin, wherever he might be. Haha! 

After a long call of random location clues, we find each other. We hug and walk towards his Mercedes. 

"Kendall is going to be so happy to see you again!" Kevin says.

"Really? Yay!" I reply.

"Yeah! The last time I saw him so 'out of it' was with Madeleine!" He says.

"Who's Madeleine?" I query. I'm guessing she's just an ex girlfriend.

"He hasn't told you?" He says. I shake my head.

"Oh, um. I'm sorry to bring it up. You should probably ask him about her," he says. 

"Hang on, you expect me to just drop the issue and ask Kendall? Please, just tell me who she is!" I demand.

"Well, it's really no biggie! She and Kendall dated for a few years and when they were 18, he got her pregnant. That's all," He says as if what he's just told me was no big deal, which it is not!

"No big deal?! He got her pregnant?!" I repeat, hardly believing the words. He nods, instantly regretting mentioning any of this. The rest of the car ride to his house was in complete and utter silence. I grab my suitcase from the boot and head for the front door. Once inside, Kevin leads me to the spare room. I don't unpack anything because I don't want to get comfortable when I know that tonight I'll probably be sleeping on the streets. I hear the front door opening. I walk down the stairs and find myself staring straight at Kendall.  He gives me a huge hug. I weakly hug him back.

“What’s wrong?”  He asks. He obviously noticed the strength of my hug.

“Who’s Madeleine?” I query him.

“How’d you hear about her?” He asks.

“A little birdy told me,” I reply.

“Do you want to sit down?” He offers.

“No. I’m fine right here,” I reply bluntly.

“When I was 15, I started dating Maddie. We dated for a very long time and so, when we were 18, we decided to step it up a notch and I, uh, accidently got her pregnant. But everything’s okay, kinda. I mean, although she abandoned me, she did get an abortion,” He spills out. When I don’t respond, he continues, “Please, don’t hate me! I didn’t mean to do it! I haven’t seen her since. It’s been about 4 years!”

“I understand that you’ve changed from then, but why didn’t you ever mention this to me? Why did I have to hear it from your brother who obviously assumed that you’d already told me?! Answer me those questions!” I argue.

“I didn’t tell you because I want to put that behind me. I made a mistake with Maddie and now I’ve made a mistake with you! When I do the wrong things, I prefer to forget about it and move on. Plus, I wanted us to have a relationship without that mistake involved. And, my brother, he’s just stupid,” He says, “Please forgive me, Nathalie, for not telling you. I love you,” At that moment, I turn around and walk back to my room, grab my stuff and walk out of the house. I can’t believe he would think that by telling me he loved me would make me forgive him!

“WAIT!!” Kendall yells after me.

“What?!” I demand.

“Where are you going?” He asks, with a clear worried tone in his voice.

“Out,” I reply and continue walking towards... somewhere. “And don’t bother following me!” I'm basically homeless now! Fun.

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