Chapter 24 :{)

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Author's Note: HIIIII!! :D WAAAAAAZZZZZZ GOING ON?!!! Do you guys like my new icon?? I think it's pretty amazing!! If you don't know what it is, it's Alison's hand in a flashback. creeeeepppyy :D Okay, so i added a twist in the last chapter! What will Nathalie do? Where is she going? When will I stop asking stupid questions that nobody's gonna read??? I really hope you guys are enjoying the story, if you're not, then keep reading. If you are, keep reading! hehe :D So, the exams are coming soon in about 3 weeks i think, so I probably won't update for at least 3-4 weeks which really sucks but you guys are probably used to long, treacherous waits! haha 



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Kendall's POV:

I storm back into the house. "KEVIN!!!!!" I yell really loudly, clearly showing my anger. I hear a door slam shut; he's upstairs. I run up and pound on his door.

"I'm sorry! I thought she knew!" Kevin shouts back.

"Please, just let me in! I need her!" I plead. I don't how I feel. I'm angry I do know that. But, I don't think it's directed at Kevin, more at myself than anyone else. The door opens a slight bit, with Kevin sticking his head out. 

"You're not going to hurt me, are you?" He asks in a quiet voice; he’s scared. I shake my head. If I open my mouth, I'm scared of what might come out. 

"I just need to talk about everything," I say coming in to his room. I continue, "I get that it's not your fault that she walked out; it's mine. It's my entire fault! I should've told her. I should've told her the whole story in my words and coming from my mouth! Why did I have to be such an idiot to think that I could live my whole life without her knowing about such a dark secret from my past? Does she even know that Maddie was from Kansas and that I've never talked to her since she broke off all hopes of communication?! Please, Kevin, just help me get her back. I don't blame you, actually, I kind of do, but you told her something that I should've told her a long time ago. I'm grateful for you, kind of. I don't know Kev! Just help, please?" I stare back at Kevin, hoping that this silence was because he was thinking of a really good plan.

“I’ll help. I have to because, despite what you think, this is my fault! But I don’t know how. Actually, the only plan I can come up with is simple, sort of,” He says.

“Anything is fine for now! Tell,” I encourage.

“Basically, you have to go find her and convince her to let you talk about everything. But make sure it’s in a public place because you never know what a person can do when they’ve found out a secret,” He explains.

“Okay, I’m going to go do that,” I say as I walk out of the room, “Thanks, Kev. This means a lot to me!”

“It’s a’ight! But you’re not going to talk now, are you?” He queries.

“Yeah! Why not?” I reply, even though I know why; it’s late.

“Are you crazy?!! Firstly, it’s midnight! There is no public place at night, except a bar, which is a common place for fights! And, secondly, she, and you, needs time to cool off! You should spend tonight thinking about what you’re going to tell her. Talk to her tomorrow,” He explains.

“And that’s why you’re the fifth smartest in the house!” I compliment him.

“What do you mean fifth?” He asks.

“Well, first it’s Kenneth, then me, then Yuma, then Sissy, then, of course, you!” I laugh.

“Ha ha ha! You’re so funny!” He says as he pushes me through the door and slams it shut. I walk to my room and think about everything; how much I’ve messed up my relationship with Nat, how much I really want her back and what I need to tell her. Before I know it, I’m asleep dreaming about her. Actually, it was more like a flashback of her storming out of my house.

I wake up at about 10am and rush into Kevin’s room; he’s there.

“Can I go now to see her?” I ask eagerly.

“Uh, yeah. I guess you can. Where is she?” He asks.

“Yeah, I don’t know where she is. I was going to go drive around. Maybe she’s with Carlos or James or Logan or Halston or Sammy or SOMEONE!!!! I don’t know! I don’t know! How am I going to find her?” I panic.

“Geez! Calm down Kenny!! Call her! It’s that simple! Put your number on private and call her! She may pick up,” He suggests. That is actually a really good idea. Maybe he is the smartest in the family…

I pull out my phone and dial her number.

“Hello?” Nathalie. Oh, how I’ve missed her voice!

I cover the phone and whisper to Kevin, “She picked up! What do I do?”

“Talk dumbass!” He points out.

I uncover the phone and answer, “Hey Nathalie! Before you hang up, give me a chance, please!”

“Do you want to meet up somewhere to talk?” She offers. Wow, she’s much calmer than I’d thought.

“Uh yeah! That sounds great! Maybe at the usual place in an hour?” I reply.

“Sounds great! See you later,” She hangs up.

“K, bye,” I reply to no one. I am finally going to settle this entire hullabaloo! I’m kind of scared now.

*1 Hour Later*

There she is. Walking down the street with her dark sunglasses on. She looks up and notices me standing at the entry of the park. She waves. I wave back. She seems really happy. It’s like last night never happened.

Finally she reaches me, “Hey!” Yep, her voice definitely sounds like last night did happen – cold and rigid.

“Hey! So, I really want to explain everything. I realise this caught you off guard and I’m sorry! I had planned the perfect way to tell you but I guess fate had different plans! Will you allow me to tell you everything?” I ask. I need to act really polite and like a real gentleman to show her how much I need her back.

“Sure,” She says in the same tone. Last night did happen. We walk towards our bench and sit down. She sits on one end, and I sit on the other. This is… different, strange, odd.

“Well, where to start? Ha ha,” I try to lighten the mood but it doesn’t work. So, after the fail, I just continue and explain everything from the start to end – we met, we fell in love, we were reckless, we did stuff, she realised she was pregnant and then, without saying bye, she stopped all contact. The end. “When we met, I had completely forgot about her. I mean, sure I had another girlfriend before you, but she didn’t possess the same powers as you do. When we met, Maddie never came into my mind, until yesterday,” I stop, but only because her phone’s ringtone bursts through its speakers. Her face turns rigid and looks kind of annoyed when she hears it. Before, her face had looked soft.

“I’m sorry,” She says as she picks up her phone. I sit on the bench, feeling like a loser. I stand up and start walking towards the lake. I’m trying to tell her about what had happened; the reason why she stormed out yesterday and she has the nerve to answer her phone. I don’t think she realises how hard this is for me to tell her. I don’t bother looking back at her, so I have no idea if she’s following or if she’s talking on her phone, pretending I don’t exist. You know what, if I turn around and she’s still on her phone, then this whole relationship we have, is over. But if she’s following, then I’ll forgive her and tell her why I walked off, if she asks, that is. I turn my head around really slowly to give her more time to come if she’s following. As my eyes see around my head, I notice that she’s still on her phone, sitting there, looking comfortable as she leans her back on the back of the chair. I take out her necklace that I was going to give to her and write a note. I walk up to her and put it next to her without making eye contact with her. I walk out of the gates.

Kenalie is done! 

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