Chapter 5

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John's POV - Tuesday, August 18, 2020, 5:47 pm

Oh shit oh shit oh shit.

I can't believe that I let Laf convince me to do that. I stared down at my phone.

John: would u maybe want to go and get coffee sometime?

Why do I listen to anything that damn Frenchman says? If this went badly, I would never let him forget it. Yeah, I liked the guy, but what if this was a bit too fast? After all, the only evidence we had that he wasn't straight was Laf's gaydar. Something I'm still not entirely sure exists. Laf and Herc were watching over my shoulder waiting for him to respond. I glared at them.

"I hate you guys."

"No, you don't, mon ami. You will love us very soon. I know that he likes you, just you wait."

I looked back at the phone.

Read 5:48 pm

Holy shit.

He'd seen it.

Is this what gay panic feels like?

I was going to die on the spot.

I was abso-fucking-lutely terrified.

I looked back at the phone.


He's typing. Holy shit he's typing. I watched the phone intently, for a moment, then closed my eyes. I couldn't watch. The phone dinged.

"Aren't you going to read it, mon ami?"

"I'm nervous."

"C'mon, you must if you are going to know if he said yes!"

I slowly opened my eyes.

Alex: i'd love to. when?

Holy shit.

He said yes.


We all began cheering, so loudly that Max poked his head in. "What's going on?"

"Nothin', Max," I replied, although it very much was something. "Nothin'."

John: does friday at 8:30 work for u?

Alex: that works.

I grinned. I had a date.

I kicked Laf and Herc out then, and sat in my room, staring at the phone.

John: c u then?

Alex: see you then.

I couldn't wait for Friday.

A/N: And neither could the fandom.


Alex's POV - Friday, August 21, 2020, 6:54 am

I had a date with John. Fucking. Laurens. In an hour and 36 minutes.

What was I gonna wear?

Holy shit.

I had never been on a date before, and I honestly had no idea what I was doing. I got on my laptop and Googled 'what to wear on a first date for men coffee'. The first result I got was denim jeans and t-shirts with comfortable sneakers. That could work.

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