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AUDREY'S boot slipped on a moss covered branch on the cool ground. Twilight slowly descended upon her part of the world, and all was nearly pitch black in the darkest part of the bush she was ambling through. The Englishwoman righted her footing before the fall would have become disastrous.

Breathing in slowing, she exhaled a long sigh. She cranked her head back and looked at the constellations. They all happily twinkled down at her. She would have smiled at the stars in the heavens if her day hadn't been so utterly grim and sorrowful.

Pushing forward, she ignored the beautiful lights above and stepped a few paces ahead until she stopped, looked directly up into a camera in the trees, and said into the red blinking light, "Tell Madame Hydra I'm here to uphold my end of the bargain."

For a split second she nearly said, 'green witch.'


"Do you understand the price that will cost you for this delicate information?" Madame Hydra asked, each word sounding more and more excited, yet her composure was calm. Creepily so.

Audrey raised her eyes to travel the length of glimmering, silvery grey waters lit by the moonlight, shifting her stance on the bridge to lean over the rail. She wasn't thinking or deciding about her next move. She already knew this would happen. It would be ludicrous to think one could make a deal with the enemy and not expect them to ask something in return. There is a reason why foxes are sly.

Audrey's voice was hoarse when she replied, but there was strength and understanding within. "I realize the price, Madame." She clamped her mouth shut for a second, then turned her head and met the lady's deep green eyes. "And I'm willing to pay it."

Audrey was repulsed to see her eyes almost sparkle in the moonlight with glee at her responds. A soft smile stretched the green lipstick on her mouth, making her pretty features brighten in the night. "Good. Now that we've got that out of the way—"

"Let me ask you this," Audrey spoke, interrupting the other woman.

Viper looked intrigued as she said, "Go on."

"Why are you helping me?"

A sudden shadow floated across her face, accentuating her angular features. "I do not like your father—he is and has been a threat to my kind and I ever since he joined hydra. I want him gone." She paused, but never did her eyes waver from Audrey's. "So understand this. Then after I will not help you anymore."

By this time Audrey straightened off the rail and stood in front of her with arms relaxed at her sides. "Understood Viper," she said with little feeling in her voice.


"You look terrible."

Audrey never answered Viper. Only her blank eyes continued to stare at the green-eyed woman in front of her. The English would have been amused to see Viper shift uncomfortably in her seat under her stare, that is if the death of her brother hadn't come so sudden.

She did feel rather miserable, but Viper wouldn't have really cared as to why.

"I'm pleased that you came," Viper carried on, ignoring Audrey's unusual behavior, and swerved her vision briefly to the wall behind her. "You'll be a useful tool in our group."

"I had no choice," Audrey started flatly, voice low and scratchy from disuse. "It was part of the agreement." Ah yes, the agreement. An agreement that meant she worked for Viper in return for information on her father. The price she paid to help the Avengers.

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