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"STILL haven't heard from her?"

"No. And she would have seen the news by now that we've got her father and Madame Hydra in custody."

"Give it time." Buck quietly walked around Steve to place a reassuring hand on his best friend's broad shoulder.

With unwavering eyes, Steve continued to stare at his reflection in the window. "I don't have time. I just need her to come back. Things will get worse for her if she doesn't."

"Worse for her or for you though?"

Bucky's reply had the blonde soldier immediately drag his eyes from the paneled glass and to his friend. "Worse for her. The World Security Council members won't let this one slide, and I don't know if Fury can help her out." But Steve knew what Bucky implied. First Peggy, now Audrey. Could Steve carry on from this? How many more woman would he lose in his life before meeting the one, and spending the rest of his life with her?

That was what he craved most in life. Definitely helping others and protecting his country was something he enjoyed through his job, but to come home to an empty apartment or home and not have anyone to share that with, was rather lonely. One could say his desire to start a family stemmed back to when he turned twenty. Now he was ninety five.

"From what I heard, Fury can work wonders," Bucky had said, drawing back to their previous conversation even though Steve's thoughts absentmindedly had wondered.

"Only God can do that," Steve snapped suddenly. Noticing his tone towards Bucky—who out of his innocence tried uplifting Steve's spirits—his features softened and his eyes drooped. "I'm sorry."

Bucky crossed his arms and looked out the window. "Don't be." The brunette allowed a second of silence to drift by before he spoke again. "Look, all I'm saying is if Fury got me out of spending the rest of my days in jail, or worse, in some asylum, then he can help her."

Sighing, he turned back to the window and kept his eyes on the shifting scenery at SHIELD headquarters. Each corner of his mouth downcast in a sad expression of how he felt. "I can only pray," Steve mumbled. "I can only pray that he will..."



Her legs dangled on the roof of the Avenger's Tower. A sense of Deja vu entered her mind. She had similarly done this back in Washington before stealing a painting in a museum's exhibit. To her, the thought alone felt like a life time ago...

A light summer's breeze feathered her face, cooling her flushed cheeks from flying. Her hair, braided, had loose hair that swept across one side of her face by the wind, tickling the soft skin. She scratched at her cheek and rung her fingers atop the crown of her head, loosening more of the braid.

Breathing in deeply the night's air, she exhaled as she rolled her head back and waited.

Metal and tile clashed. The sound sending a jolt to her heart when she picked up the noise from behind. She wasn't sure she wanted to face Iron Man now, but then why was she waiting for his arrival on top of his tower?

"You know sulking around like this won't bring him back."

Lulling her head back down, she stared at the bright golden of the city's lights below, and her fingers tightened on her knees that which were clothed in black jeans. Her feet ever so little twitched in her black and white skater shoes. At the same time, another single breeze brushed passed but this time it hit the opening flap to her black jacket, revealing a black t-shirt underneath.

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