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AUDREY double-checked for that gun secretly hidden in behind the waste band of her black jeans. When her fingertips delicately brushed over the cool of the gun's metal, she relaxed her tense shoulders a smudge. 

     The fog had been thick as molasses on the bridge, concealing any person's view from what lay beyond the clouded mass. A warm breeze whipped past her, rustling some strains of her dark chocolaty hair that was left down but tucked inside the grey hoodie she wore. The assassin was trying to calm her racing heart. She hated fog. Hated not being able to see clearly to her enemy, or prey. Which one classified this person tonight?

     She was beginning to wonder why she offered to do SHIELD's bidding, especially when it involved her father. Mr. Dooms Day.

     And why in Bob's name did she even mention the International Criminal Underworld system? She was positive that Fury had something over her, now he would surely find a charge against her to put her in jail—of course, if stealing and murdering wasn't enough that is...

     She tapped a fingernail against the rail of the bridge, eyes trained and focused ahead as she contemplated the corrupt system.

     In times gone by, when the Englishwoman was fresh out of the assassin academy (so her younger days), she became friends with plenty of ruthless felons, but doing so meant she'd be knee deep in the dark shadows. Something she wasn't terribly fond of then, but is inevitably accustomed to now. And if she had a choice, she'd do it all over again. She didn't keep friends close and enemies closer for the pleasure of things. And luckily for her at the moment, that phrase had lived up to its expectations. Audrey called up a few old contacts in the International Criminal Underworld, asking around for one person.

     Madame Hydra.

     Or as some preferred to call her in her society:


     Audrey was devoted in avoiding her father or anyone who had anything to do with him, and even though she had been successful over the years, somethings were harder to ignore. And that was Viper's strong hate for her father. The green eyed monster seemed to detest anything that was human or walked on two legs, but this had been contrary to her usual dislike of ordinary individuals. So different in fact, that she found him to be a threat to her society.

     Madame Hydra and Doom had always been rivals from as far back as Audrey found out. What she couldn't understand is why. Why would two people from the same twisted organization be rivals? And why isn't one of them dead by now?

     As perusal, the English 'accidentally' stumbled over the answer.

     They were both power hungry and insecure.

     Madame Hydra was more faithful to the organization seeing as the woman's been fighting for their cause longer, and so, when something fresh had come into her territory on the playground, she felt them to be a dangerous opponent verses an underling. She wasn't entirely wrong.

     Doom wasn't with Hydra merely to be ordered around but to order. He had a game plan and so did she. The two seemed to always bunt heads.

     And that, darlings, was Audrey's checkmate to Doom's weakness and downfall in his empire, one she fully took advantage of.

     Once more her fingers traced the gun's handle before plunging forward into the cloud of fog. Stepping into the thick cloud, her eyes squeezed to narrow slits, trying to make out any hint of movement in front of herself. Her cheeks began to tickle as the tiny humid water droplets in the atmosphere hit her exposed face through the curtain of fog.

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