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    HER top lip curled back in annoyance. "We have you surrounded dad, give yourself up."

     Resting his forearms—which had been dressed in the usual metal bracers he wore—on the balcony's railing, he started to laugh. More annoyance rushed forth, flushing her cheeks red. She angrily stepped forward and yelled, "You think this is funny!?" She hardly cared if any guards nearby heard, or if they were already on their way to them. She was mad. Not only the sight of him riled her up, but his laughter tipped her to the point where she was fuming. 

     Sobering up, he straightened from his slouch but curled both his metal gloved hands around the railing and gazed down at her. Laughter still twinkled in his sea blue eyes. A smug smile edged each corner of his mouth. "Obviously you don't," he said, answering to her outburst.

     She glowered up at him and swore. "I'm not joking. I was sent here with the Avengers to either capture or kill you." She folded her arms across her chest. This time it was she who had the smug smirk, which elevated half her lips. "So what's it going to be, dad?"

     He sighed—long and bored, then gingerly ambled down the stretch of the mezzanine balcony, heading towards the stairs. His cape billowed behind him like a sea of grass. The golden clasp hooks fastened to his green clock, clanked against the metal armor underneath. In fact as she heard him walk, every piece of metal armor sounded as he moved, even to his shin and knee guards and metal boots. "How did you find me Audrey?"

     "I'll gladly tell you when you're cuffed, and buckled in a seat on a plane back to Washington."

     He snorted a chuckle as he placed his boot on the top step. "I doubt that will happen." He slowly made his way down each stair. "Besides, I think the Avengers are lost."

     One of her dark eyebrows rose at the same time she said, "Oh?"

     His booted foot left the last stair when he paused to look at her. Hands hidden behind his back. She squirmed inside as he purposely studied her. At last he finally broke the intended silence. "I see they've taken off that silly contraption around your neck."

     "They have." Her lips went into a tight line as she finished speaking. Everything about this scene was gradually making her worrisome. What was her father thinking? Why was he so calm about her being here? Shouldn't he be a little shocked to see me, and the Avengers? she thought uneasily. This time it was Audrey who observed her father.

     "You know, I'm glad you're here." There was a giddy bounce when he made his first step, then in a deliberate manner Doom leisurely walked around her in a circle. "I have something to ask you."

     "Which is?" A pulse like feeling grew in the palm of her hands and crept up her arms. She readied her power in case she needed to call upon it.

     "Obviously you and the Avengers know that I supply for Hydra, otherwise you guys wouldn't be here." He walked another round about her, which she kept a close eye on him as he did so. Her head turning in unison as he walked round and round. "So I'd like to make a deal—"

     "We've already been down this road, and I've said no," she spat, interrupting him.

     He chuckled softly. "I know, but I'm ignoring that time. You see, you and I—we're the same."

     "No we're not," Audrey cut him off yet kept her voice steady, though she was tipping close to her snapping point. Her brows furrowed as she narrowed her eyes at him, growing ever more angrier with her father at the moment. "I'm nothing like you." Even though a little part of her disagreed with her own comment.

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