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"CAN I wear your sunglasses?"


"What about your hat?"


"You don't expect me to wear this rubbish outside, do you? It's blisteringly hot out!"

"One, I don't care. Two, there's a change of clothes for you in the bathroom, don't exaggerate. If it were blistering I don't think anyone would be outside, let alone handle a blistering heat. And three—"

"Oh dear, there's a 'three,'"

"—And three." Steve glared down at her. "I'm here under orders from my boss, therefore I had no choice. I'm not here for fun and games Ms. Embers. We walk for an hour then come back. End of conversation."

"Do you like to hear yourself talk?" she asked, curiously.

"No one likes to hear themselves talk," Steve replied, annoyed.

She barked out an unladylike laugh. "Everyone loves to hear themselves talk."

Steve took her shoulders and turned her towards the bathroom, giving her a little shove towards the door. "And not everyone is you," he said.

The assassin burned a glare over her shoulder at him when she pushed open the door, to which he graced her with one of his charming smiles, further aggravating her.

A few minutes later, Audrey came out of the bathroom in a simple pair of white jean shorts and a dark blue t-shirt. "You know the sun attracts to dark colors." She thought to point out, looking at her shirt worried. "Whoever picked the clothes couldn't have picked lighter colors?" She carelessly dropped her jail clothes near the door and walked around Steve, who had been patiently waiting for her as he leaned on the wall outside the bathroom.

He rolled his eyes at her sloppiness, then realized they were her clothes, and unconcerned of what may happen to them, the soldier left them there.

"Hey, get back here," he called out after Audrey, once he noticed the woman walked off and nearly reached the doubled doors that lead to the outside world. She was about to push them wide when he yanked her back by one elbow. "You stay near me at all times, got it? No running off."

"Yes father."

"I mean it."

"You know," she began, "I wasn't running off, you just didn't catch up. Now less talk and more walk." She jerked out of his grip and shot out the doors.


"Are these really necessary?" Audrey threw up her hands and jingled around silver handcuffs securely bound to either wrists.

The Captain kept his eyes forward when he simply answered, "Very. And especially after you ran out like that." He heard her disgruntlement but chose to ignore the sound. Steve cared less about her pleasure and more about returning the prisoner in one piece back to SHIELD. And Fury had said nothing about keeping the criminal under lock and key while he supervised her.

Why not make her suffer a little as we stroll? She is a criminal after all, and besides, I had better things to do then this, he thought grumpily.

"I should have cuffed you to me when I had the chance." Audrey laughed at herself. "That would have been a sight to see." She smirked, and at this, Steve glanced down at her and frowned.

"You enjoying yourself?" he asked as they past a group of college students having lunch in the park.


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