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    HEAD pounding, every muscle in her being numb, Audrey pulled herself out of the blackness where her unconscious state had been residing for the unbearable time. Aware of bright lights under her eyelids, they seemed to carry a weight with them when she tried stirring the delicate flesh.

     Straining to keep her eyes open, difficultly, she blinked against the onslaught of bright neon lights above her. Her head felt like a huge brick as her neck muscles tried to lift it up, after obviously been flopped to the side and left at an uncomfortable angle. 

     Great, a kink, she miserably thought as she groaned. Instinctively, the Englishwoman tried to lift her hand up to rub against the knot intruding upon her neck, but was restrained against the wooden chair she sat in. Her head gradually looked behind her back in the chair. Her brows furrowed in mild irritation. 


    "Finally, I thought you were dead," a voice spoke through the darkness, one heavily lathered in boredom.

     Immediately Audrey knew that voice, even in her drowsy and uncoordinated circumstances. "Like you would have cared," she spat, her own voice hoarse. Her tongue smacked her dry lips to moisten them, but even her mouth was bone dry. "What do you want, father?" Her head spun, and the words themselves felt far away, like she were calling into a deep tunnel.

     "To make a bargain," he said.

     She cackled. "Ha, what makes you think I'll bargain anything with you? Have you forgotten what happened the last time I did business with Hydra—with you?"

     Her father, Doom, walked out from the shadows in the corner, and appeared in her blurry sight. "Oh my naive little butterfly—"

     "Don't call me that. You sick twisted—"

     "Now, now. No need for such unkind words. Did you really think I'd leave you in SHIELD's care?"

     "The thought kinda crossed my mind when you shoved me off the quinjet and left." She was surprised at the amount of words that spewed from her mouth in her indisposed, and drugged state. Eyelids half cracked open, she sent him a shriveling evil look. A glare destined for death. "What, too busy to write a letter?" she asked, a hint of scorn surfaced on her words.

     "Oh Audrey, I'm disappointed in you for thinking such a thought—"

     "Enough pathetic talk," she interrupted, angrily digging her wrists into the rope in hope of twisting her way out. "What do you want?" She ground her teeth staring at him. Ever so slowly, the drowsiness was wearing off. She wished it would quicken its pace.

     "You know, this is why you're my favorite child." He smirked. A cruel empty version of the gesture. There was no humanness in it. "You get right to the point."

     Her eyes swerved across the room. Favorite child...right, there's two of us—Zack! Retracting her eyes back to her father, she blurted, "Where's Zack—what did you do to him? I swear, if you've hurt him, I'll personally cut out your organs and feed them to a dog in front of you."

     "How cute."

     "Where is he?" she snarled. She fell still as a mouse waiting for her father to answer, the ever teasing puppeteer he was. Dangling her life on his silken strings of white thread.

     Staring a little while longer at his daughter, crossed arms, he laughed. Her heart skipped a beat, frightened he did something horrible. "Don't worry yourself over him," he said between cruel bits of laughter. "I left him lying on the ground back in Washington. It was you I wanted, not him."

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