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     "SO when did you say you'd take this neck-thinger off?"

     "I didn't," replied Fury dryly and quite annoyed. "I said I'd get you better living quarters, not take off your collar."

     Audrey's upper lip twitched in disgust. "You could have at least acted like you were..."

     "Would it have made you feel better?"

     "Perhaps," she muttered. "Why are you being nicer to me again? It's uncharacteristic of you Fury, and I thought I was the bad..." She paused, was about to say the 'bad guy,' but considering her gender she rephrased her comment. "...the bad one in the story. Why are you treating me like a victim?"

     "Because you are."

     She groaned and threw back her head in his office's couch. "Enough with the short answers! Is it because my father kidnapped me? Now you're worried about me? I've been through far worse—oh my." Audrey quickly fell silent. A terrible thought occurring to the assassin. "Do not tell me this is because I saved one of your men from dying?" I knew I should have left Captain in the bush, she grumbled internally.

     Fury chuckled and stepped away from one of the floor to ceiling windows in his office. "Yes and no." She thought she felt an aura of doubtfulness off him. Was it the very fact that she saved someone, that an assassin didn't kill but saved a life this time? "Your father wanted you instead of your brother, he wants something from you. The next time he kidnaps you, we might not be able to find you so easily. So that makes you a victim, and prey. Therefore, you have to be under witness—"

     "Don't say it!" she interrupted, visibly cringing.


     "Don't say it —" 


     "Ugh...brilliant." She fell back into the couch's cushions, her back making a splat sound into the leather. "This is...brilliant. You know I can take care of myself."

     "Are you sure? This is your father we're talking about."

     "Are you doubting my abilities?" A flashback with her and Steve conversing in her bedroom at the Keep, resurfaced and a newfound fear broke lose within her. She sprung upright from her slouched position and blurted, "You've been talking to the Captain, haven't you? That rotten—I'm going to slit his throat."

     "You," began Fury, "will do no such thing." His face was tied up in severe chastening of her reckless and careless comment.

     "I knew I should have kept my bloody mouth shut." Audrey continued to ramble on as if in her own world. Oblivious of Fury. She threw up her grey sweater's hood, crossed her arms, and slouched back into the couch with a child-like pout on her face. Returning from SHIELD, instead of the dull jail clothes, the assassin had been given grey sweatpants and a sweater, matching a pair of running shoes that had turquoise shoelaces. Audrey amused herself in thinking that was the only thing that stuck out among the mundane colors of SHIELD.

     "Audrey we need to know why your father took those blueprints, and what he'll do with them."

     "And you think I know?"

     "No, but I can't let him hurt you."

     A prick of venom sprung up inside her. She looked at Fury over her hoodie, eyes that would chill a person to the very marrow of their bones. "Since when does anyone care if I'm hurt?" Her voice was low and too calm considering her face twisted in anger. 

A Reckless Soul | Captain America ✓Where stories live. Discover now