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July 7th, 2012

HER back hit the bed with a nasty thud, which in turn jiggled the legs of her cot. Audrey blew out a heavy sigh of relief. Training couldn't have come to an end soon enough for the Englishwoman.

Two weeks.

Two weeks of brutal and mentally vigorous tasks, and already the training had taken a toll on her physically. Her body was covered in bruises: black, blue, and purple alike. Thankfully Audrey needn't worry about too much of her skin exposing such gruesome violence written on her body, while she was in her prison clothes.

That covered every inch of her except her hands, neck, and face.

Releasing a sigh, she began savoring these free moments she had alone with herself. On her bed, she tuned her ears in on the noises outside her window. They were simple sounds. Birds chirping, the splash of water lapping up against the prison wall, and if she strained her ears hard enough, she heard the distant rumble of vehicles on the highway.

To her dismay, she realized how much she took for granted those minor everyday things, when she had the freedom of hearing the ordinary whenever she pleased.

In a short little while though, she'd be outside—supervised of course. Her nose crinkled at the thought of having to be watched. She felt like a child having to hold the hand of a parent when it came to these outside walks, however, it was better than nothing at all.

"Do I look like I need permission to take a prisoner out of their cell?" In an instant, Audrey's eyes shot open at the sound of Tony's voice from down the hall.

"Yes, I'd say you do," said another burlier, but familiar voice. "Mr. Stark you are not authorized—Mr. Stark!"

"Open her cell," he ordered. Footsteps were coming believably closer, and Audrey's attention only heightened.

"I take orders from the Director not you," snapped the jail guard.

"And I'm sure he'll understand it when you disobey this order." The billionaire's voice was crystal clear as the sound of the narcissist was a few feet from her cell. The carelessness in it made a smirk display on the assassin's face.

"But Mr. Stark—"

"I said," interrupted Tony, who now stood in front of her cell, and turned-round to face the guard down the hallway, "open it." Whether it was the tone of his voice, the threat in his eyes, Audrey hadn't a clue, but the next thing she heard was the ear piercing beeep, then the screech of the bars as they slid across and opened. "Now was that so hard?" he huffed, and without waiting for a responds from the guard, marched into Audrey's cell like he owned the entire room.

Albeit, considering part of SHIELD's funding came from said billionaire, he kinda did.

Eyes closed, arms fallen across her stomach, and her face turned towards the wall, she heard him near, then a dark shadow past over her eyelids as his body towered over her sleeping form. Then, silence.

"You do the whole 'fake sleeping' so well," he complimented.

No answer.

"Come on, get your things."

"Why?" she asked, voice hoarse. She hadn't bothered to move, but opened one eyelid. Given what Tony had said about her 'fake sleeping' habit, she had been half asleep and half awake. A restless soul will do that to a person.

"Because you're with me today."

Her heart skipped a beat in panic, and she sprung up-right in the bed. "But I'm to go outside for an hour. You can't take me," she said quite aggressively, her eyebrows scrunched together. She had been anticipating for her time outside, especially today since the big orange ball in the sky decided to show up. The warmth, and clear blue sky, was a welcoming to her since the past week had been off and on with moody grey clouds.

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