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"To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully around with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness: C.S. Lewis

I learned long ago that love was rather another one of my too friendly, enemies. The emotion is hard to conceal, and harder to confess. Even as love is locked up in the coffin or casket of my selfishness, I hear the chains rattling and pounding their deathly fists upon the door, and fear, their restraints will break loose soon."

–Words from Audrey's
personal journal


June 13th, 2012

      "YOU, stay close over there, you stay away from me, you stop looking at me like that, and you, I'm going to kill you so you might as well jump out of the plane," Audrey foretold, pointing her index finger as if it was a magic wand, to each four individuals Strucker had tagged along with the Englishwoman on his quest.

      Each henchmen stood rock still, faces emotionless as they all stood in the hanger of a makeshift SHIELD quinjet. 

      "Where's that gentle butterfly in you Audrey?" a voice laughed, and restated, "Then again you always had an assertive side to you as a child." The voice climbed in through the back ramp, a touch of flippancy to the male's tone. 

      Audrey cocked her gun harshly, took her sweet time to glance at her father hardheartedly, and flipped the gun on its side in her palm as she aimed the weapon at him. "Well, I guess I got it from you," she paused and batted her eyelashes stating in a girly tone, "Daddy."

      Swatting the barrel of the gun away from his chest, he smugly said, "Well, then I suppose you got your good looks from me too." He chiefly puffed out his chest, readjusted his tie on the fake SHIELD uniform he wore, and ambled past his daughter.

      "No, that one was from mother," Audrey explained, and re-raised her gun hand while aiming sideways at her father again. "You know what this is called?" Her father only so much as gave a brief, cold glance over his shoulder. "Kill shot," she said, and shut one eye.

      "Audrey, stop playing with your toy and buckle in, the rides going to be bumpy." 

      "I'm asking Strucker for twenty million for having to put up with your bull crap."

      To say Audrey was pleased to hear, afterwards, as she boarded the plane that her father would also be attending the mission, would most certainly be a dire understatement. She was livid once the news reached her. She nearly walked out the moment she saw the repulsive face of her father's. If it weren't for the money that beckoned her back, she would say au revoir to the whole situation. 

      So, Audrey shut her mouth for once in a blue moon, took her eyes which were scraping dull claws down the backside of her father, and buckled into one of the seats near the cockpit's communications and monitoring equipment. Setting the headset on her head, she thought of one thing, and one thing only during the ride. 

     You're doing this for the money, you're doing this for the money, you're doing this for the money.


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