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WARNING: might contain strong content near the end, so if you don't like that, then skip the part with Audrey and Steve. If you don't care, then enjoy the chapter ;)


     ONCE the words left the assassin's mouth, it was as if all the oxygen in the room was sucked out. No one spoke, breathed—although their thoughts made more noise then their words.

     Zachary leaned back in his chair sighing, a frown displayed heavily upon his face. "Father always did like to go out with a bang..."

     Tony had taken offense to that, stating irritably, "Hey, that's my thing, why does everyone steal my thing? Is there no more originality in this world?" 

     As if Tony had never spoken, the room once again fell into a frightfully deep silence.

     "So, what's new?" Natasha finally broke the stillness between them all, smoothly swinging her legs down from the table and sitting properly. "I mean he's no different than the other bad guys we fought who wanted power."

     Clint laughed. "There really is no originality when it comes to bad guys, is there? I mean all they ever want is 'ultimate power.'" His voice deepened near the end as he used air quotations to emphasis his point.

     "I predict Doom's creating his own little army of some sorts," Steve started, jerking his chin towards the hologram showing the blueprints. His eyes followed each item of weapon. 

     "Captain is right," purred T'Challa, his piercing coco eyes analyzing all the photos. "Something here makes my hair stand on end. I don't like it."

     Steve gave a terse nod in agreement with the Black Panther, then shifted his sharp sapphire eyes to his team. "So be ready." Determination enveloped his voice, completely altering his attitude to a soldier. "We leave in two days for Latveria. Dismissed."

     From across the room, Audrey met Steve's baby blues as he gradually rouse from his seat. A loving smirk elevated his mouth. She could scarcely retain one side of her lips from breaking the grim line they were set in.

     A sudden rapid flutter in her rhythmic heartbeat was felt in her chest, when she saw him slowly approach her way. Her mouth softly stretched a tad bigger. Her eyes glimmered a bit brighter, even the brown appeared lighter, less dark from their usual midnight coal colour.  

     "We need to talk." Zachary's body abruptly sidestepped in front of her, blocking her view of Steve. As if jolted out of a dream, her eyes whipped up to her big brother in apparent shock, then she flipped him a frown.

     "Can it wait?" she practically growled.

     Zachary had been in no rush to answer right away, but rather studied her for a second longer, debating on asking her why it had to wait, when he forced out, "Whatever you have to do, do it quickly because we need to talk." And just as quickly as he flew in front of her, he speedily left all the same.

     She assiduously watched as he rushed out of the conference room with the others, puzzled and disturbed with his urgency. Why did they need to talk? She wasn't mad at him, so why did he appear flustered?  

     "Is something wrong?" Almost immediately her stomach flopped at the mere sound of Steve's voice, and its closeness.

     She righted herself and breathed heavily outward, whilst sending him a reassured smile. "Nothing that can't be fixed. What's up?" 

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