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     "YOU have a seven?" Darius asked across the table.

     Mario shook his head, then smiled. "You have a ten bro?" Darius nodded a clear no and Mario frowned, sinking deeper in his seat and hand of cards.

     "Mario, don't lie," Jasper scolded, a pair of knitting needles occupied his hands as he continued to knit a scarf—or was it a hat?

    "Shut up man, I'm not lying." When Darius glanced up at Mario, his face turned a shade of white and his words fumbled over his tongue. "Bro, don't believe him, I'm telling the truth—even ask the English Lady."

     "Don't call me that." Audrey yawned, flipping another page in her book.

     "At least it's better than what he calls me," Jasper said, to which Audrey lifted a brow in question. "You don't want to know."

     "No I don't," she mumbled, eyes wandering back to her paragraph. How did I end up befriending these criminals? Lifting her eyes from her book, she studied each one as the memory flitted back.

     Darius, one bald and burly African American man, who Audrey decidedly thought he secretly wanted to be a pirate, seeing as though his right ear had a gold earring looped around the lobe.

    Mario, who was a Mexican loaded with tattoos from neck down. His face clean of markings. And to Audrey's amusement had dark chestnut hair. The man wasn't as beefy as Darius but he had muscle under all that stoutness to even pack the Hulk away. 

    And that left Jasper, the American. He was your average weight and height, but that hadn't been the cool part. He could control ice. Audrey was most interested in discovering what the man could form with such a cold substance. And if she hadn't been so head-over-heels for a tall blonde fond of dressing up in the American flag colours, she'd swoon. He had rich dark hair, a perfectly sculpted square jawline, and eyes a cool steel gray to match. 

    Lingering her gaze on all of them, a smile curved her soft mouth. Even though she was a prisoner, at least she had made friends to pass the time.

    Fury, true to what everyone had said about the man, had been able to cut a deal with the World Security Council, dropping all criminal charges against her. Although, that left her having to serve six months in the Raft only to appease certain members of the Council who couldn't be persuaded. Then after, work from bottom up at SHIELD, starting as a Level 1 agent. The Raft was an underwater prison located in the Atlantic ocean and created to detain and incarcerate enhanced individuals. 

    It had been five months since everything took place. And she couldn't wait to get out this prison. To be free for once to go anywhere without looking over her shoulder, to see T'Challa again, and most of all to hug Steve without guards in the same room. Oh and ya, of course see the Avengers again.

     A loud conversation was starting to take place between the three men, Audrey hadn't caught what they were saying as her thoughts had drifted someplace else. But she could only role her eyes and zone out of their petty argument while she read, though the memory of how they all met stuck in the back of her mind.

F L A S H  B A C K

    "Ello mate," Rutger's scratchy voice sounded behind Audrey as she peacefully sat at one of the jail's tables in the cafeteria. Minding her own business and keeping out of trouble. "What do we have here?" His breath smelled of garlic and onions, making Audrey want to gag, as it fanned across her jawline when he leaned in further to investigate her reading material. "Aw looky here Nick, Mother Teresa is reading the good ol' Bible."

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