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(Event also recorded in Audrey's journal)

DARKNESS cascaded down the long hallways, leaching off every dark corner and nooks in the walls inside one of Hydra's bases.

In a small, narrow cot, she lay under a thin pitiful blanket that did little to keep the chill out, let alone keep her warm. Embers tried to fall asleep, but hardly did it lay its hand upon her for too long. No sooner would her eyes flutter shut and her breathing become a slow and steady rhythm, something awoke her. Either a nightmare would intervene the mercies of sleep, or the ill reminder of where she truly was staying for the night uprooted in her mind.

The room Hydra had provided for the assassin was a simple four walled one with a wooden desk and chair, a window above it, a nightstand next to the bed with a lamp, a small dresser, and a mirror that hung on the wall above it with a single crack running down its front.

Screaming scattered itself down the hall, which had touched Audrey's ears and made her jolt awake for the umpteenth time that night. Fed-up, the English pealed away the duvet and stumbled to the door. Her suit, which she slept in most times in places suchlike these, felt tight around her midsection and was rumpled. Laying her warm palm on the cool door handle, she tore it open and was nearly run into by an agent.

"Watch it!"

The same agent halted in his mad-dash, turned around to face her, and quickly yammered out, "You might as well come to."

Her eyebrows scrunched together, her tone tired and irritated. "Come where?"

"Follow me," was all he said before turning back round and speed walking down the hall.

"Why must they be so cryptic around here..." she mumbled.

Audrey caught up to him and found they stopped at a metal door. She narrowed her eyes. Why was this door metal and hers wood? What was behind this door that had to be tightly secured? Or worse, locked up.

The answers to her unpleasant questions were soon put to rest, as the agent swiped his card across the keycard holder, and a green light flashed along with a beeping sound and the electrically-powered door opened. She entered into the room after the agent to see scientists and other agents frantically, in a desperate attempt, trying to contain their weapon: the Winter Soldier.

He tore anyone apart that came near him. One of the scientists saw Audrey enter and raced to her side. "You should not be in here," he barked with a pinch of annoyance.

The English assassin turned to the middle aged man, and saw the beginning stages of perspiration wetting the upper part of his brows.

"Well it's too bloody late for that. What are you people doing to him?" Her eyes swerved back to the Winter Soldier, and latched onto the man who struggled under his restraints.

"He was acting up—"

"You mean he was remembering too much," she interrupted. The man didn't like that, his frown worsened. She came closer to him, and in a chillingly low command said, "Clear the room. I'll clean up this rubbish you idiots started."

"I cannot let you do that."

She snapped. Her patience was already thin due to lack of sleep—no thanks to this place—and her cold quarters. She raised a hand and flicked her wrist. The man went stiff. The only thing she allowed him to move was his eyes, that which watched the blue of her telekinesis float around him with the faint specks of gold woven into it. "You will be wise to comply, or else I'll snap your neck right here, right now. Do as I say. I won't ask again."

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