2| -Smile please-

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If, I don't want to tell you then? - She questioned.

"No problem." - I said.

This much, I adjusted to say.


[ Rishika ]

I got up and moved towards my class for lecture.
In that way, he was asking me, "I couldn't control myself."
I was feeling like I should tell him each and every bit of my life. But why should I tell my worst story to a stranger.

After college, I went back home.
Going back to home, and every time seeing dad's name on that name plate beside the gate, always made me realize about my family.
That name plate was very special for my brother because of mom and dad's names. He made a change by writing dad's name first and then his.

I went inside.
And settled down on the floor near the bed. Where I would be alone. My brother, my life who is only here to give me support.

Mr. Ashutosh Roy, a surgeon and a cardiologist.
For the world, he is the finest doctor. But, for me, he is my whole world.
Who raised me when I was just 4 years old and he was 8 years old.
Bhai and dad both raised me up while mom left me behind when I was born.
I didn't know what to do.
Sometimes, I think that I am my mom's culprit.
Due to me, my mom is not around us.
I snatched mine and my brother's childhood.

"Door bell rang."

I opened.

Bhai entered.

"Rishu, how was your college today? You were having your exams, right?" He asked while sitting on the couch.

"Exam was fine, bhai, but lectures were super boring." I said with an uninterested smile.

"Yeah, I can feel." He said.

Do you need water? I asked as his face was showing worries.

"Yeah, pls."

I went to the kitchen, to bring some water and gave it to him.

"Thank you." Said he with a deem smile.

You are upset, right? He asked while having the first sip.

How does he know?
I literally don't know how to react?

"Oh, c'mon tell me. I know you well." He said with a smirk.

Why were you crying? , next question which made me startled.

"I was..N..ot..t." Me as being me, hesitatingly replied.

"Tell me otherwise. I know how to speak it out from your mouth." Again said with a smirk.

He started, trickling me.

"Heyy, A...cchaa...Te...lling...Stopp...Ittt." said me while laughing.

"I was feeling low. Because I was missing mom."This much I adjusted to say right now.

My eyes met his, which is currently filled with moist, and making me cry more as much as before.
I looked down to control my tears.

"I miss her too." He said while looking at me, but I wasn't able to look up because I knew I was going to cry.

I was on the verge of crying. Finally, one tear dropped down.
And with tearing eyes, I looked up.

"I am sorry, because of me you lost your childhood moments, because of me we lost our mom."

"No, baccha. It's not your fault. God knows all this. It's not your's fault. Believe me!! " he said while consoling me, but at this type of moment, I don't think consoling help the most.


"No, I am the unluckiest, and because of me, you have to also face it. We lost mom when I was born. We lost dad due to blood pressure problems when I was just 16 and you were 20. I am sorry." I said while sobbing as usual. I think this became a part of my life to cry.

"Shh, stop crying, rishu. I am here, na. Do you need anyone else? No na, then stop crying and make something for me. I am tired of doing back to back surgeries." He said this, which dramatic face, for distracting my mind as I forget that this is our dinner time.

"Sorry, I forgot." Me as apologizing my mistake.

I wiped my tears, and he kissed my forehead.

"My strong girl. Now smile, please." He said with a smile.

I smiled, too.

We had our dinner and went towards our rooms. I studied for my next exam and when to bed. It is now 12: 56, and I am still awake. Remembering all things, sometimes, I think I am useless, but I have to be strong.

I was thinking about the boy, what's his name? Yeah, darshan. He was trying to do friendship with me, but I ruined it.

Rishika, you are useless.

A complete thrash of unluckiest happiness.

I smiled painfully.

The next morning, I woke up and made breakfast for me and bhai. He went to his hospital, and I left for college.

As I entered, I saw a crowd. I was not interested in this type of thing. So, I directly went to the exam hall.

Unfortunately, my seat was at the same and again that boy, yes what's his name?

Yeah, Darshan.

I went to my seat while wearing my migraine glasses.

I sat down beside him. I don't want to stalk him. But, I ended up moving my face towards him, and he was already staring at me.

What?? , I asked.

"Nothing, just want to know the reason for that yesterday's rejection." Asked he.

And what if I don't tell you?, I said without looking at him and totally concentrating on my books.

"Not, problem. But, main toh sochuga hi." He said with a smirk.

"Socchte raho zindagi bar." I exclaimed with a forced smile.

"Will try my best. Thank you." Again, he said with a cute face and smiled stupidly.

I ignored, as I only have this choice.

Ufff, this boy.

Examiner distributed the paper, and we attempted it.

We finished the paper and went to our classes for the next new lecture.

Why? god, why? You made lectures.
They are super boring like hell.
Especially, medical's one.

Doctor's lives are so tough. How bhai managed it? I will ask today.
Basically, he wants me to be an anesthesiologist. And to complete this wish of him, I am here in medical college. I never had any interest in medical's but for bhai I am here with my books.

And not this, I had 7 bundles of books, including 10 books per each with more than 150 pages.
Woww, Feeling like bookworm..

But, this is my last year's exam.

And then, few years more, and I am up to my dream, up to my brother's dream, my mother's dream to see me as a doctor.


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