8. Be Ready For A Trip.

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A/N : Requesting my readers, silent and active one both, that I have made some changes in the introduction, Go back to page no. 1 where I have introduced the characters.

Here are the introduction of remaining characters, I have already added them on Introduction.


[ Rishika ]

I yelled at him, I literally yelled. Like, Why can't he stay away from me. What's his problem?

Here, I am at my home. Few hours ago, at the end of my today's college day, I saw him at last also.
He is completely a spoiled - guy.

"Rishu, I need help..."My chain of thoughts broke down when bhai's voice interrupted me.

Today he is at home, as today he is finally free from all hospital stuff as, His surgeries have been transferred to another doctor. This much I know.

He came towards me and stood at some distance, where I was, staring at him back.

"What? " I asked him as he stiffen a little bit and nodded in nothing.

"That why you are literally gawking at me, Bhai?"I asked him back as he was staring at me again.

"Nothing, just staring at you. Sometimes you like mom... I mean like from one side..."He said this and gave me a small pity smile.

I haven't seen her in real, yet and here I am getting compared to her. What do you want from me, life?

"Hey, rishu. Don't be stressed up now. I am sorry that I said.. This but...",

"It's okay, bhai." I answered him back before he could give me any type of explanation.

"Huh? "He asked me.

I looked at him with teary eyes and answered him something, which affected me the most, my biggest mistake to be a useless daughter.

"The one who hasn't seen her mother's face, the one who only is responsible for her mother's dead, Does she be enough perfect and able to be compared with her own mother? "

He nodded his head in no, and came towards me and then, settled down on his knees behind my chair while capturing my hand in his one hand while from the second one he wiped off the tears which were unasked to apper on my face.

I tilted my head towards his hand, which was wrapped around mine.


"Look at me, Rishu."

"You, Kiddo. I have already answered all your questions and cleared the misunderstandings, but you are you. You can't able to live without blaming yourself, right? "

My eyes weren't able to meet his.

"Listen to me, I don't want to make you cry more, and whatever I have said a few minutes before is only because what I fell from a side."

I nodded.

"Understood? "He asked me, and I nodded again.

"C'mon, now get up and help me kitchen stuff." He said to me while getting up and gesturing me to follow him.

"Wait, what you are up to?"I asked me, and he simply ignored and went off.

"Bhaiii, listen. I am saying this to you."I said this while getting up from the chair and rushing behind him.

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