21. Deep Grief

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[ P R E S E N T   D A Y ]



It's Been Over 5 Year's From Now. I hadn't seen his face. His smile, His Voice, His Natorious Nature.

I had lived my Best time of my whole damn Life with him. He was a miracle for me. I miss Him. I miss You.

You have been the star in my Life. I love You. I don't know, I should say that or not but, I had fell for You the day you taugh me The way to live my life.

After That, He Suddenly Disappeared Or should Say I disappeared.

After that incident, How can A Person can leave this

I was All Lost In My Thoughts, until and unless My Son Started wrinkling in My Arms. I smiled and started patting his Back again to let him sleep. As I was Doing that He again Slipped into His Deep Slumber before whispering "Ri..shii..uu" in My ear's.

"Yes, baby.", I smiled and whispered to him.


"Yes Bh.aai.", I said as I answered the call In nervousness.

"Rishika, I hope You are taking care of Yourself and of My Cutie Cake too.", He laughed.

"He is all good bhai.", I Replied.

I know.", I heard him sighing and then continued, "I know..I know after that accident how You had been feeling. He was, I mean ash-- Acchha Leave all this, I don't want to start all that again.

" Well, I am so sorry I couldn't Come On that day. It was Ayansh's 2nd Birthday. How was his birthday?"

He giggled In Excitement.

I hummed In reply with no Excitement, "And Two Year's of that Incident who destroyed Some of Life's like No Body less can Destroy."

His giggle met the silence and In No time Silence Took the spot.

"I will call You Later, bhai.", I said And Hung the call quickly, with this A lone tear escaped it's own Way through my Cheeks and All that Stuffed Memories and all started showing it's effect on me.

Screams, Cries, Pain, Sorrow.

I still remember That Nurse and Doctor Saying, "I am So..So Sorry Ma'am, That Accident Was Too terrifying, We Couldn't Save Him and Her. But.."

I heard Ayaansh giggle as he was cutely running towards me showing His small - small hands to me, As if He Knows that I am Just going to slip into my Deep Memories and he always on time distracts me.

"Yes, Ayaansh.", I said as I picked him up in my lap.

"Ri..shh..uu, Ii a..mm hun..greeyy." He Said In his cute gibberish Language enough for me To Understand.

"Yes, Baby. Let's go.", I said and he cocooned himself on me while keeping his Head on my shoulder.


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